Enterprise Archive

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Company size (employees)1,000 to 4,999


For eDiscovery, Proofpoint differentiates itself from the competition in four key areas:

1. Providing More Value in Built-In Features
While Proofpoint offers built-in, high-performance search, export and legal hold to address our customers’ most basic e-discovery requirements, other vendors charge extra for optional modules or higher subscription levels for one or more of these critical features. In addition, Proofpoint offers a financially backed SLA for search performance; our customers receive their search results in seconds, not hours, days or weeks.

2. Empowering Legal Teams
Self-service control over e-discovery for legal teams can mean big savings in terms of time, cost and risk. And with more work shifting to in-house counsel, your legal team needs uncompromised accuracy, rapid decision making and defensibility. With Proofpoint, our customers can improve defensibility with single, centralized repository across all content types or securely export or share even the largest export result sets with outside counsel at no additional cost.

3. Streamlining Review and Reduce Costs
Reviewing information is the most expensive part of the e-discovery process. It’s no surprise that organizations are getting smart about reducing review costs. And they’re doing this through automation and advanced features like machine learning. With Proofpoint, you can cull and review data quickly and easily for responsiveness, refine data sets and minimize export to third-party reviewers.

4. Improving Organization and Orchestration
Proofpoint offers rich e-discovery data analytics, dashboards, conversation threading, and visualization features. This provides greater context and insight to reduce compliance risk. And you’re always armed with the decision-making power you need to perform early case assessments quickly and accurately. With Proofpoint, for example, you can organize e-discovery elements into cases to better track responses to e-discovery requests and define search criteria with greater precision using topic clustering and timeline graphing.

How we are different

1. Market Leadership: Proofpoint is the longest running leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Information Archiving at ten consecutive years as of the 2021 report.

2. Performance: Proofpoint offers built-in, high performance search, export and legal hold, which are foundational to meeting our customers’ most basic e-discovery requirements. In addition, Proofpoint offers financially backed Service Level Agreements in areas such as search performance and archiving hosted service availability.

3. Purpose-Built Options: While many of our customers will be satisfied with our built-in, high-performance search, export and legal hold to address their e-discovery needs, others will continue to seek ways to improve their overall e-discovery processes. With Add Ons for Enterprise Archive, our customers can take advantage of innovations in response orchestration, machine learning and analytics to streamline workflows and reduce related costs.