Proofpoint Human-Centric Security Platform

Additional Info

Company size (employees)1,000 to 4,999
Headquarters RegionNorth America


Employees work in different ways, within different environments and with different tools—email, cloud, web, collaboration tools, and more. Recent Proofpoint data shows that human error continues to be perceived as the Achilles’ heel of cybersecurity, with three-quarters (74%) of CISOs identifying it as the most significant vulnerability.

Proofpoint’s AI-driven Human-centric Security Platform is an all-in-one enterprise security solution. Our modern architecture consists of two core technologies.

• The first is our market-leading detection capabilities and AI models called Proofpoint Nexus®. It provides continuous, multilayered protection through advanced language-based and behavioral AI, machine learning and real-time threat intelligence.

• The second is Proofpoint Zen™. Zen includes all end-user facing technologies that alert, guide and empower end users to be resilient while leading them away from risky behavior and human-targeted attacks.

Together, they effectively solve the complete set of human-centric security needs for over 1.5 million customers around the world.

Key Capabilities / Features

With Proofpoint cybersecurity platform, organizations can protect people and defend data by taking a human-centric approach. Our cybersecurity platform provides best-of-breed solutions to solve four critical concerns—stopping threats, protecting information, guiding users and securing app & identity posture.

Defend against threat actors: From using AI/ML to craft well-written business email compromise (BEC) messages to combining collaboration tools and web links to perform impersonation and supplier-related breaches, there is no end to what threat actors will come up with next. Proofpoint is the only security partner that brings together an end-to-end approach to stop all human-targeted attacks—from email to collaboration tools to web applications.

Data security and governance: From responding quickly to e-discovery archive requirements to supervising collaboration communications, we bring these capabilities together with Proofpoint Digital Communications Governance. Through a modern cloud architecture, Proofpoint provides an expansive list of connectors to capture communications across different collaboration applications, and applies AI to perform supervision and compliance actions.

App and identity posture: Corporate identities are the root of many ways employees work—from cloud accounts in SaaS applications and authentication tokens that access corporate file repositories, to permissions to traverse across the corporate network. Proofpoint provides a broad set of integrations and vulnerability analysis for improved defense against identity-centric attacks. Discover and remediate vulnerable identities and active threats in Active Directory, Entra ID, Okta, and many more.

Security Awareness: Proofpoint ZenGuide enables security teams, small and large, to automate and scale personalized learning paths based on an individual’s unique risk profile, behaviors and role. It uses people-risk insights across the Proofpoint ecosystem to understand human risk. And it delivers relevant interventions that build security champions and reduce risky behaviors.

How we are different

Proofpoint strives to place organizations in a state of Zen—where security leaders need not worry about being compromised by a threat actor or drowning in incomplete alerts. Organizations who invest in Proofpoint see immediate impact. A few examples below:

• Reduced Risk: Organizations who choose to partner with Proofpoint benefit from our proprietary threat telemetry. Our AI-driven detection platform, Proofpoint Nexus, brings together threat intelligence, machine learning, behavioral AI, sandbox detection and semantic analysis (LLMs). Together they detect the widest variety of human-targeted threats, such as spear phishing attacks, QR code threats and malicious URLs and with a high-fidelity detection rate of 99.99% and better threat explainability.

Unlike single-method detection tools, Proofpoint stops malicious messages more accurately—without blocking good messages and holding up business. Our customers tout our platform’s ability to yield fewer false negatives (<1 in 5.3 million messages) and false positives (<1 in 19.7 million messages).

• Operational effectiveness: Proofpoint's platform delivers operational savings through threat prioritization, enabling security teams to focus on the most critical attacks, providing context to respond if needed, and automating remediation. After implementing, organizations experience 90%+ reduction in remediation time and can repurpose critical security resources.

• Automated investigation and response: Our Human-Centric Security provides end-to-end protection to find, alert, and remove messages after delivery. Proofpoint streamlines the abuse mailbox by analyzing suspicious emails reported by end-users, automatically closing all non-malicious incidents and surfacing real threats.

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