Additional Info

CompanyInfoArmor, Inc.
Company size (employees)90


As cyberthreats become more sophisticated, frequent, and damaging, understanding the linkages, core attributes, motivations, and threat actors are critical to enable organizations to take the appropriate action in order to protect themselves and mitigate risk – VigilanteATI is the solution.

VigilanteATI delivers advanced threat intelligence providing uniquely in-depth contextual understanding about threats, threat actors, advancing threat vectors, and attack motivations. It includes comprehensive, important features:

• Advanced Intelligence – operatively sourced contextual intelligence.
• Risk Intelligence – distinctive industry-specific intelligence.
• Security Intelligence – a proprietary feed of malicious and suspicious host activity.
• eCrime Intelligence – a comprehensive database of underground posts and threat actor communication.
• Compromised Credentials/Data – exposed data and credentials that present a direct risk to the organization.
• Vulnerability Intelligence preemptive intelligence feed that identifies vulnerable hosts within a client network.

VigilanteATI Advanced Intelligence defines the gold standard of threat intelligence, and provides unsurpassed data on the latest trends, bad actor attribution reporting and other pertinent information.

VigilanteATI Risk Intelligence can deliver valuable information and deliver insight to compromised accounts that enable organizations to take a proactive approach and mitigate risk.

VigilanteATI Security Intelligence provides a threat intelligence feed of underground malicious and suspicious host activity to help assist in identifying cyber threat activities.

VigilanteATI eCrime Intelligence is a comprehensive database of underground communication and bad actor chatter from dark/closed forums that provides real-time updates and monitoring of these forums with relevant information to deliver preemptive intelligence.

VigilanteATI Compromised Credentials identifies the exposure of email addresses and associated passwords linked to malicious breaches and underground infiltration.

VigilanteATI Vulnerability Intelligence is a revolutionary preemptive intelligence feed that identifies vulnerable hosts within a client network (Heartbleed, Shellshock, Juniper Backdoor, WEB-shells, Exposed FTPs, etc.). Data is updated daily so users can take preventative measures in shielding internal devices connecting to these infected hosts.

How we are different

• With VigilanteATI, InfoArmor has redefined the concept of Advanced Threat Intelligence, leveraging a global intelligence network and threat database that serves up an unprecedented quantity and quality of data in real-time.

• VigilanteATI mitigates risk by providing historical, immediate, and preemptive threat
intelligence to maintain a high level of vigilance and avoid the debilitating impact of cyberattacks to business and government agencies.

• VigilanteATI provides uniquely in-depth contextual understanding about threats, threat actors, advancing threat vectors, and attack motivations - including comprehensive advanced intelligence, risk intelligence, security intelligence, eCrime intelligence and intelligence on compromised credentials/accounts/data.
