AKATI Sekurity | Managed Threat & Detection Response Service (MTDR)

Additional Info

CompanyAKATI Sekurity
Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionAsia
Type of solutionService


AKATI Sekurity’s Managed Threat Detection and Response Service (MTDR) combines our advanced Next-Gen Security Operations Center (SOC) capabilities with Cyber Fusion Center insights to deliver a robust defense mechanism tailored specifically for medium to large enterprises. Our service integrates seamlessly with your existing security infrastructure, utilizing the latest advancements in Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and Extended Detection and Response (XDR) technologies.

With AKATI Sekurity, clients leverage cutting-edge threat intelligence and proactive monitoring to detect, analyze, and respond to cyber threats in real-time, ensuring continuous protection and compliance with global security standards. This comprehensive service is designed not just to defend against cyber threats but also to enable businesses to thrive securely in a digital-first world.

Key Capabilities / Features

Real-Time Threat Detection:
Utilizing advanced analytics and machine learning, our MTDR service detects anomalies and potential threats in real time, allowing for immediate action.

Comprehensive Incident Analysis and Response:
We provide detailed incident analysis to understand attack vectors and impact, followed by coordinated response actions to mitigate threats swiftly and effectively.

Continuous Security Monitoring:
Our round-the-clock monitoring ensures that all network activities are scrutinized, maintaining high-level security vigilance over your digital assets.

Strategic Threat Intelligence:
We harness global threat intelligence to predict and prevent potential attacks before they occur, keeping our clients one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Regulatory Compliance and Reporting:
Our service ensures compliance with international security standards, providing detailed reports for transparency and audits.

Expert Support and Advisory:
AKATI Sekurity’s team of cybersecurity experts offers ongoing support and strategic advice to continuously enhance your security framework and respond to evolving cyber threats.

How we are different

Scalable and Flexible Integration:
AKATI Sekurity’s MTDR service stands out for its ability to adapt seamlessly to evolving IT infrastructures, ensuring continuous protection regardless of platform changes or updates. Our flexible approach allows us to customize solutions that fit the specific needs of each client, supported by 24/7 expert customer service to address issues promptly and keep systems running smoothly.

Enhanced Security Posture with Advanced Features:
Our MTDR service enhances your security posture by implementing sophisticated security measures such as two-factor authentication and robust data encryption. These features ensure that client data remains protected from unauthorized access and breaches, maintaining integrity and confidentiality.

Proactive Incident Response:
With AKATI Sekurity, clients benefit from a proactive incident response framework that minimizes the impact of security incidents. Our experienced security professionals are equipped with the tools and knowledge to rapidly identify, contain, and resolve threats, thereby reducing downtime and safeguarding critical assets knowing that their data and networks are safe and secure.