Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Solution from Kaseya companies Unitrends and Spanning Cloud Apps

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Company size (employees)1,000 to 4,999


Kaseya recognizes that, when hit by a crisis, the last thing a company should worry about are its backup systems. These backup systems should provide reliable, enterprise-class data protection focused on reducing downtime with features like instant recovery, ransomware detection and automated disaster recovery testing. Kaseya’s IT Complete Suite includes two best-in-class solutions that support BCDR – Unitrends and Spanning Cloud Apps.

Unitrends provides backup appliances and cloud data protection that leverage cutting-edge technology to automate manual tasks, eliminate management complexity and deliver tested hardware and software resilience. Its all-in-one backup appliances can be installed in minutes and set the industry standard for simplicity and ease of use. As part of the company’s continuous innovation, Unitrends launched Unitrends Helix in 2020, a self-healing SaaS remediation platform powered by AI that proactively identifies and resolves hardware, software and malware issues before they happen.

Spanning Cloud Apps is a leading provider of backup and recovery for SaaS applications that helps organizations around the globe protect their information in the cloud. The company provides powerful, enterprise-class data protection for Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace and Salesforce. With data centers located in North America, the EU and Australia, Spanning Backup is one of the most trusted cloud-to-cloud backup solutions for thousands of companies and millions of users around the world. Earlier this year, Spanning announced the addition of Spanning Dark Web Monitoring, a first-to-market Dark Web Monitoring solution for Microsoft Office 365. It’s the only tool of its kind to combine world-class backup and restore functionality for Office 365 with sophisticated Dark Web intelligence and search capabilities to identify, analyze and proactively monitor an organization’s compromised or stolen employee data.

How we are different

● Time and Cost Savings: Many IT teams spend nearly half their day having to manually monitor, detect and remediate conditions that impact backups. Both Unitrends and Spanning solutions give anyone managing BCDR efforts more time back, whether it’s through Unitrends’ self-healing Helix platform or through Spanning’s intuitive restore tools in case of data loss. Any condition that it detects and remediates creates efficiency, helping the bottom line. Additionally, both Unitrends and Spanning offer pricing through a subscription model, ensuring that organizations can get the latest hardware and software at a pricing structure that works for them.

● Remote Work Benefits: In 2020, Unitrends launched the new Recovery Series Gen 9 to meet the growing need for backup solutions as more remote workers save larger amounts of data from a growing number of devices. The “new normal” of all-remote workforces has forced exponential data growth not just in data centers, but also in SaaS productivity platforms, such as Microsoft Office 365. Unitrends’ UniView alleviates this issue by providing a centralized management hub for IT professionals to view where their data lives as well as their business’s recovery processes. UniView is customized to each enterprise and allows IT professionals to manage Gen 9 appliances as well as Spanning Office 365 Backup and Unitrends Cloud Backup from one portal.

● Ease of Use / Scalability: With Unitrends and Spanning, it’s easy to get up and running quickly. Unitrends appliances are preconfigured with hardware, software, and networking and can be managed through a single portal. Spanning provides users with a simple setup that’s accompanied by an intuitive interface, ensuring that there are no lengthy installations and configurations needed. Users can easily scale up with both solutions as needed, with Unitrends protecting data in amounts ranging from 2 TB to 2 EB.
