Censys Attack Surface Management

Additional Info

Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionSoftware


Attack surfaces are expanding 110% year over year, but for every 100 developers within an organization, there’s typically just one dedicated to the security function. Digital transformation and the rise of Shadow IT add to this complexity, which in turn increases threats and risks to the organization.

The reality is that attack surfaces have grown beyond the scope of what traditional security tools and practices can effectively manage. Many security professionals are simply unable to comprehensively discover, manage, and protect their rapidly growing attack surfaces.
Attack Surface Management addresses this gap as a forward-looking solution that can broadly, deeply, and relentlessly search and monitor an organization’s digital footprint, identify and rate risks, and recommend clear remediation actions.

Censys delivers continuous, automated scanning and accurate attribution of your organization’s internet and cloud based assets. With our best-in-class Attack Surface Management, you gain complete visibility into your known and unknown assets, covering everything from HTTP hosts to Kubernetes clusters.

No other solution on the market scans as frequently, with the same breadth, depth, or accuracy as Censys. Our foundational internet data, combined with our powerful attribution engine, empowers your teams to identify and mitigate exposures as they occur. You can’t protect what you can’t see, and our mission is clear: to be the one place to understand everything on the internet.

Key Capabilities / Features

Censys ASM provides organizations with:

-Total Attack Surface Discovery
Understand and analyze the full extent of your attack surface. Whether assets are known or unknown, leverage Censys’ comprehensive dataset to discover critical exposures and mitigate risks, while embedding best practice monitoring into your security operations. Proven to discover up to 65% more attack surface than leading competitors, Censys ensures you have complete and accurate visibility.

-Attribution Engine
Get a complete and automated view of your organization’s perimeter using Censys’ Attribution engine. Seed data is used to establish high confidence connections to discovered Internet assets. Our attribution algorithm increases customers visibility up to 80%.

-Risk Triage and Prioritization
Each asset in the attack surface is updated daily and measured against 400+ different risk fingerprints to determine the severity of security weaknesses that are discovered. Severity is based on impact, exploitability and likelihood, making priorities clear.

-Risk Context and Remediation Guidance
We focus on simplifying security decisions with rich and precise risk context to facilitate specific remediation guidance. Details of the type and potential security impacts of each discovered risk are provided along with recommended steps for remediation.

-Rapid Response
Speed and accuracy are essential to securing your business from today’s evolving threat landscape. Censys fingerprints and prioritizes putting emergency vulnerabilities into our platform as risks, often within 24 hours of the vulnerability disclosure.

-Dashboards & Interactive Reporting
Censys aggregates raw attack surface telemetry into easy-to-understand dashboards and trends that quickly enable security teams to determine and report on the overall state and security of your organization’s attack surface.

-Cloud Connectors
Easy to use, flexible and secure hosted cloud connectors with daily asset ingestion and big 3 CSP support that continuously inventories assets and feeds them into the Attack Surface Management platform.

-Integrations Marketplace
The Censys Integrations Marketplace allows security teams to onboard any integration, with any vendor, in less than 15min.

How we are different

-Censys leverages machine-learning (ML) based discovery of services across all 65k ports with Predictive Scanning, covering both standard and non-standard ports. Research shows that over 66% of internet services run on non-standard ports. Limited or no visibility from other ASM solutions, as validated by Greynoise, set Censys apart from competitors who lack this range of coverage.

-Time-to-detection is critical for guarding against malicious attacks. Censys sets itself apart with our powerful Attribution engine, now enhanced by our Continuous Seed Discovery feature that automates tracking of changes in CIDRs, domains, subsidiaries, and registrant details. Unlike other tools that rely on slow human curation or limited automation, Censys ASM offers daily automated detection and alerts. This not only speeds up the review and response process but also tracks key registration data changes, enhancing visibility into the organization's attack surface by up to 80%.

-When security teams manage data across multiple, unconnected solutions, prioritizing risks and determining effective response strategies becomes exceedingly challenging. The Censys Integration Marketplace enables teams to onboard any integration with any vendor in under 15 minutes. Unlike competitors, whose complex integrations are often limited to specific vendors and require extensive development work, Censys offers rapid and reliable onboarding. This enables seamless integrations across tools such as alerting and ticketing systems, vulnerability management, SIEMs, and major CSPs, thereby delivering a streamlined, automated, and integrated security ecosystem.

-Censys provides the widest range of internet scanning data available across 85% more devices compared to competitors. We scan the top 137 ports and the top 1440 ports in the cloud on a daily basis, while refreshing all known services within a 24 hour time frame.

-We consistently conduct research to benefit the industry: from our State of the Internet Report, to ongoing research into geo-political concerns and regions, our data helps inform government agencies.