Additional Info

Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionNorth America


Today’s progressive companies are looking for better ways to free knowledge workers to collaborate, create ideas that drive their businesses and speed time to innovation. With this in mind, Code42 made a shift in 2018 and carved out a credible position as a next-gen data loss protection company. Importantly, it challenged the status quo of the legacy data loss prevention (DLP) market and today is at the forefront of conversations to redefine the data loss prevention category to data loss protection.

In 2018, Code42 rapidly advanced its offering from IT infrastructure to application security products and launched Code42 Next-Gen Data Loss Protection. The solution gives companies total visibility to everywhere their files live and move from endpoints to the cloud – saving every version of every file. With this unmatched visibility, security teams can quickly collect, monitor, investigate, preserve and retrieve files without complex policies, a requirement of legacy DLP solutions. The cloud-based Code42 Next-Gen Data Loss Protection solution does not block user productivity and collaboration and works without expensive hardware, unlike competitive legacy DLP solutions. With this new solution, Code42 is fundamentally changing the way companies protect their high-value data. The market is responding well – Code42’s renewal rate and upsells exceeded expectations in the second half of the year.

Recognized as a 2018 Great Workplace, Code42, also launched the Code42 Foundation, a non-profit that supports charitable organizations to help foster community equity. The new foundation supplements Code42’s partnership with Pledge 1%, a global movement that is creating a new normal for companies’ philanthropic efforts. The Foundation speaks to a core value at Code42 to make the world a better place and addresses long-term, systemic issues in its community. The aim is to leave a meaningful footprint in the community that is greater than its business operations.

How we are different

● Despite well-intentioned prevention efforts, the reality is that high-value data loss happens daily. That’s why Code42 takes a different approach to data security with a progressive philosophy. The company believes every file has value and should be protected. Under that file-centric approach, Code42 challenged the status quo in the DLP market and is at the forefront of conversations to redefine the category to Data Loss Protection. To bring about innovation in that sector, the company launched the Code42 Next-Gen Data Loss Protection solution in October 2018.

● Not only did Code42 launch an innovative data loss protection solution, but it also innovated across its business operations. To launch new features and critical functionality more quickly, Code42 implemented “define and design” product management sprints. The process helped teams clearly define goals, validate assumptions and decide on a product roadmap before starting development as well as perform rapid prototyping and user testing.

In addition, Code42 made bold changes in R&D to accelerate speed to market and achieve the scalability demanded by modern organizations while focusing on new cloud technologies. In mere months, Code42 significantly re-organized and expanded the team by 10%, fully embraced the utilization of microservices, completed an end-to-end deployment model retrofit and began operating under a DevSecOps model for software releases. Their efforts delivered a significant component of Next-Gen Data Loss Protection to market sooner than planned; completed 700 production software releases to the cloud and launched 5 new products in 2018.

● Finally, Code42 takes a unique approach to its people and clients. The company is committed to creating an inclusive, diverse culture. More than 27% of its employees are women, above the industry average of 24%. Code42’s customer-centric approach permeates all the company
