Additional Info

Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionCloud/SaaS


Coro offers a revolutionary new way for businesses to manage and consume cybersecurity. Traditional approaches rely on multiple security tools that are complex, expensive, and time consuming to deploy and manage. Security teams have become overwhelmed by the number of cybersecurity tools – anywhere from 30 to 70 – that they’ve deployed in their security stack. According to Gartner,75% of companies surveyed want to move to a consolidated platform rather than use point products.

Coro created a new paradigm with the launch of Coro’s modular cybersecurity platform. Coro 3.0 is the first to consolidate multiple security capabilities into a unified solution, offering 14 seamlessly integrated modules – from EDR and SASE to email security – that can be activated on demand to grow with a company’s needs. Coro 3.0 dramatically simplifies implementation of the cybersecurity stack by using a single pane of glass, one endpoint agent, and one data engine to configure, operate and manage every security module.

Coro’s modular design significantly reduces the operational workload and complexity facing IT and security teams today. According to a survey conducted by Coro, security professionals spend an average of 4 hours 43 minutes every day managing their cybersecurity tools, and require an estimated 4.22 months for a new cybersecurity tool to become operational; with equal time spent on installation, configuration, training staff and integration with their existing security stack.

Working together to consolidate alerts, Coro’s security modules automatically identify and remediate threats, eliminating the security gaps caused by multiple tools in the security stack. Coro’s modular cybersecurity platform is a breakthrough solution for IT and security professionals, empowering companies to strengthen their security posture and reduce operational workloads at a total cost of ownership (TCO) that’s less than a third of comparable point solutions.

Key Capabilities / Features

Modular Architecture and Capabilities

Coro 3.0 consolidates the protection of a company’s six most critical domains -- cloud apps, endpoints, email, sensitive data, network and users -- into a single, unified platform. Fourteen different security modules are available today, including: endpoint protection, EDR, email protection, SASE, data governance (DLP), Cloud apps (CASB), VPN, NGFW, DNS filtering, SOC (MDR), Email encryption, and ZTNA, with additional capabilities to be released over time. Each module is plug and play, activated in seconds with a single click.

Each security module is interoperable, seamlessly integrated, and architected with the following advantages over multiple point products:

One Interface: All modules feed into one, easy-to-use dashboard, where you can quickly view and even respond to statuses, events, and logs.

One Endpoint Agent: Device posture, NGAV, EDR, VPN, firewall, and data governance are all on one easy-to-manage endpoint agent, eliminating agent conflicts.

One Data Engine: Modules inform each other through a shared data engine, eliminating the need for integration and improving security posture.

How we are different

Modular Security That Scales as You Grow:

Building a cybersecurity stack has traditionally meant buying multiple, segmented tools from multiple vendors, training employees on each one, and managing multiple interfaces and endpoint agents. Coro’s 3.0 platform offers 14 integrated security modules, with additional capabilities added in the future. Each module is a self-contained security component that can be turned on or off. Each Coro module has earned awards in its security domain, outperforming many market- leading point solutions. Coro’s 14 security modules are interoperable and can be easily activated in seconds with a single click.

Reduces Security Workloads and Complexity

Coro 3.0 goes beyond simply consolidating security capabilities; it was engineered from the ground up to simplify security operations and easily scale as a company grows. Each security module is interoperable, seamlessly integrated, and architected with the following advantages:
• One easy-to-use dashboard offers a single pane of glass to consolidate alerts, and easily configure and manage every module
• One easy-to-manage agent for all endpoints eliminates the workload of updating and managing multiple vendors’ agents
• One AI-driven data engine communicates between modules and eliminates blind spots, automatically remediating threats and only surfacing the most critical security events
• One intuitive user interface for every module eliminates the need for extra employee training
• One click easily activates new security modules or turns them off, with no installation required

Lowest Cost of Ownership

Coro’s modular approach to cybersecurity not only enhances visibility, efficiency and ease of management, it also offers the industry’s lowest cost of ownership. Each of Coro’s modules is managed by the same user interface and dashboard, eliminating the need to train on multiple vendors’ tools. This is especially important for SME and midmarket companies with lean IT teams and fewer resources. Coro 3.0 modules are available individually or as convenient bundles.