Cyera dynamically discovers and automatically classifies and contextualizes data with over 95% accuracy

Additional Info

Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionSoftware


Cyera empowers security teams to achieve a data-centric security architecture. Its mission is to give security teams context and control over their data so they can enable innovation, securely. With companies moving data to the cloud faster than before, today’s hybrid cloud landscape is data chaos. It’s nearly impossible to know what data is in the cloud, where it’s stored, or if it’s secure.

Cyera launched from stealth in March 2022 with $60 million in funding to solve these challenges. The company has developed a cloud-native, AI-powered data security platform that secures data everywhere. It combines dynamic sensitive data discovery, classification and contextualization, data security posture management (DSPM), real-time data detection and response, data access governance, and data privacy. Cyera safeguards data across a company’s hybrid cloud, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Snowflake, and Office365, and is the first solution to provide holistic data security coverage across on-premises, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS environments. Cyera’s data security platform continuously discovers, classifies, and provides context on a company’s data, who can access it, how it is being used, and how it is secured.

Unlike other cloud-native security technologies, Cyera empowers security teams to manage and protect their sensitive data, maximizing cyber-resilience, assuring compliance, and optimizing cloud costs. This breaks the silos that limit visibility and protection, providing a unified control plane to secure data across the data landscape. This includes how data is stored and configured, access permissions, and real-time activity.

Its platform and contributions to the market are well received. Cyera has secured multiple Fortune 500 customers, doubled its employee count, grew revenue by 800% in its first year, and secured $100 million in Series B funding in June 2023.

Cyera recently was named to Fast Company’s List of the World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024.

Key Capabilities / Features

Cyera is the only data security platform that provides holistic cloud data security coverage across on-premises, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS environments. By providing a unified view and control plane for data security across a company’s cloud data landscape, Cyera breaks the silos that currently exist in securing multi-cloud environments. Cyera empowers security teams to manage and protect all their company’s sensitive data, including everything they manage in the cloud.

Cyera provides deep context and understanding of the data a company manages and provides detailed insight and remediations for security, privacy, and compliance exposures.

Additional product features include:

• An agentless deployment model that dynamically detects a company’s data stores as they are being deployed, changed, or destroyed.

• Automated learning of a company’s unique data including the role, region, whether one or more pieces of data are identifiable to an individual, and how the data is protected, so security teams understand the purpose and intent of their data and can apply the correct controls.

• A large language model that understands the content it’s scanning. Cyera comprehends context, intent, and nuance, and provides detailed insight and remediations so security teams can truly know their data and apply the correct controls. This use of AI is difficult to build and operationalize.

The results and impact of Cyera’s platform are immediate. Leading financial, pharmaceutical, and retail customers have uncovered sensitive data and exposures they never would have otherwise.

Mike Melo, CISO of LifeLabs states, “Now more than ever, as we adopt more digital technologies, we need real-time visibility, automation and proactive controls to remain agile and keep our customer data protected. Cyera provides us complete, context-rich insight into the data we manage across Azure and Microsoft 365 and allows us to quickly adapt our security operations as our business strategy evolves.”

How we are different

• Cyera’s agentless deployment model dynamically detects a company’s datastores as they are being deployed, changed, or destroyed. Cyera automatically learns a company’s unique data including the role, region, whether one or more pieces of data are identifiable to an individual, and how the data is protected so security teams understand the purpose and intent of their data and can apply the correct controls.

• The AI-powered solution deploys in seconds, has no impact on performance, dynamically discovers data across the enterprise, and automatically classifies a company’s data with over 95% accuracy. This overcomes foundational architectural limitations of legacy tools that require agents, manual data store connections, and are siloed based on the type of environment or data they secure. Volume is another challenge. Today’s large enterprises manage hundreds of petabytes of cloud data, millions of files, and thousands of data stores. Cyera addresses this massive scalability issue with novel approaches to leveraging unsupervised machine learning to identify patterns and relationships across cloud environments, supervised machine learning to then learn and classify data, and patented algorithms to derive deep context on the data. This enables the platform to process massive volumes of data across sprawling cloud environments quickly and at a fraction of the cost of legacy solutions.

• Unlike other cloud-native security technologies, Cyera empowers security teams to manage and protect their sensitive data, maximizing cyber-resilience, assuring compliance, and optimizing cloud costs. This breaks the silos that limit visibility and protection, providing a unified control plane to secure data across the data landscape. This includes how data is stored and configured, access permissions, and real-time activity.