Additional Info

CompanyTopSpin Security
Company size (employees)100 - 499


While security teams are starting to shift their focus from perimeter defense to post-beach detection, traditional detection tools fall short of the mark, either generating far too many false-positives or failing to detect attacks in real time. Deception, i.e. the use of decoys and traps, dramatically minimizes false positives using multiple analysis engines, internal correlation, and decoys that mirror enterprises’ most valuable assets.
DECOYnet™ is the only deception-based solution with a built-in egress and traffic analysis engine that is continuously used to map the organizational network, map assets, and assess vulnerabilities; and allows for better deception placement and adaptation to changes in the organizations’ dynamic environments.
Leveraging its powerful deception and egress analysis engines, DECOYnet™ provides: Intelligent Deception via strategically placed traps and decoys; Security Visibility detecting attackers’ communication channels and illuminating network blind-spots; and Threat Analysis, correlating data from both the deception and visibility layers.
Organizations today are fighting an asymmetric battle. Cyber attackers have the advantages of being the initiator, knowing their goal and having cover of anonymity. Yet another advantage enjoyed by cyber attackers is they have time to keep trying without being noticed, repeatedly until they succeed. Defenders are spread thin and rely on early detection systems producing high numbers of false positives causing “noise,” prohibiting defenders from knowing if they are under attack.
There is one important card the defenders have – they can manipulate how the network is seen to the attackers, how data is seen in the network, set traps and lures, engage attackers, and fool them into attacking decoys rather than real organizational assets. This approach is called deception. TopSpin DECOYnet™ keeps attackers away from the real data and additionally facilitates the employment of detection mechanisms that identify an attack in progress with a high degree of certainty.
DECOYnet’s simple, out-of-line deception solution helps enhance an enterprise’s security posture, without having to increase headcount (or as one of our customers said ““it allows 3 security people to do the work of 5 security people”). Easy to deploy and manage, its reports and alerts are clear and intuitive to understand, thus placing no additional burden on security teams.

How we are different

1. Customers find real market value in DECOYnet because it provides both detection and real threat analysis which serves to discover and deal with vulnerabilities
2. DECOYnet helps customers improve their business and allows them to detect threats before any damage is caused to their network.
3. DECOYnet’s advantage is that it both solves a security problem with a whole new approach, and provides visibility with real business analytics.
