DeCYFIR by CYFIRMA – A Threat Discovery and Cyber-Intelligence Platform

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Company size (employees)50 to 99


CYFIRMA’s threat discovery and cyber-intelligence platform, DeCYFIR, is built to decode cyber threats before they become a risk to the organization.

By combining cyber-intelligence with attack surface discovery and digital risk protection, CYFIRMA delivers predictive, personalized, contextual, outside-in, and multi-layered insights to help clients prepare against upcoming attacks.

CYFIRMA’s DeCYFIR platform will give clients the following:
• Client-tailored, outside-in/hacker’s view of the cyber threat landscape
• Multi-dimensional strategic, management and tactical cyber threat visibility and intelligence that can be applied and integrated into organization’s security strategies, policies, processes, procedures, security controls and people
• A unique approach of viewing risks and threat indicators at the planning stage, versus the execution and exploitation phase of a cyber-attack
• Indicator-centered threat hunting capabilities, which could be as simple as a conversation between hackers or geopolitical issues driving cyber threats..

How we are different

CYFIRMA’s threat discovery platform, DeCYFIR, deploys deep tech and AI engines into the deep/dark web, closed communities, and hackers’ forums to uncover, analyse, correlate, and find the deepest insights from noisy data. Its cyber intelligence platform connects the dots between hackers, motivation, campaigns, and methods so that cyber threats are attributed with full contextual details. The platform’s insights include tactical, management and strategic intelligence that serves to inform security teams and leaders across the organization.

DeCYFIR is unique in the following areas:

• Hackers’ View and Discover Hidden Signals
DeCYFIR is the only product in the cyber-intelligence category where clients can get to see the world through the hacker’s view and understand the connection between threat actor, motive, method and campaign. DeCYFIR discover hidden signals by recognizing signs of an impending attack, and we do this at the early planning stage of an attack, and not when an attack is already ongoing. Our platform picks up ‘indicators’ as opposed to ‘indicators of compromise’.

• Contextual
DeCYFIR is designed to answer the ‘WHO’, ‘WHY’, ‘WHAT’, ‘WHEN’, and ‘HOW’ to decode underlying threats and risks. By answering these questions, we can provide clients with full contextual details on the threats they face.

• Quality Intelligence - Relevant, prioritized, and timely
The cyber-intelligence provided to clients is tailored to their industry, geography and technology. This ensures the insights are always relevant. Based on cyberthreats uncovered, a set of recommendations is provided so clients can take actions to mitigate risk. These remediation actions are prioritized – this way clients can focus resources on the most critical risk first. Early warnings are uniquely a DeCYFIR feature – these are detailed analysis to help clients prepare for impending attacks.
