Fortress Information Security, Fortress Platform

Additional Info

CompanyFortress Information Security
Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionSoftware


Powered by AI, the Fortress Platform solves the leading cyber and risk challenges, providing a sophisticated, automated approach to managing and securing complex supply chains against cyber threats and organizational risks. Fortress is the critical supply chain cybersecurity leader – protecting nearly half of America’s power grid as well as national defense assets for three branches of the U.S. military from cyber threats. The Fortress team has worked with 45 utilities, 3 regional transmission operators, and 1 independent power producer while building a database of cyber information on more than 50,000 vendors.

Key Capabilities / Features

With the assistance of the Asset to Vendor (A2V) Marketplace and North American Energy Software Assurance Database (NAESAD), the Fortress Platform uses AI and managed services to provide conclusive insights and results, enhancing supply chain resilience and cybersecurity coverage for America’s critical infrastructure.

How we are different

○ The Fortress Platform is an end-to-end platform that connects intelligence surrounding vendors, information technology and operational technology assets, and software through a holistic, fit-for-purpose approach

○ The Platform delivers comprehensive security through AI-driven risk management and security solutions, enhancing supply chain resilience and cybersecurity coverage.

○ Fortress partners with its customers and their vendors to create a library of risks and vulnerabilities. The library makes Fortress like and ISAC on steroids - giving its partners a chance to quickly identify threats, then work with Fortress to address them.