Gigamon Precryption technology

Additional Info

Company size (employees)500 to 999
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionCloud/SaaS


Gigamon offers a Deep Observability Pipeline that harnesses actionable network-level intelligence to amplify the power of cloud, security, and observability tools. The Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline enables customers to better secure and manage their hybrid cloud infrastructure by providing visibility into all data-in-motion, including East-West traffic across on-premises, virtual, container, and cloud infrastructure. It equips organizations with the insight necessary to eliminate blind spots and provide a complete and consistent security posture.

Gigamon PrecryptionTM technology is the latest innovation added to the Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline and provides unobscured visibility into encrypted traffic across cloud, virtual, and container workloads running across hybrid cloud infrastructure. This advanced technology offers an automated solution to the cybersecurity industry that brings plaintext visibility to encrypted traffic (where 93% of malware hides), enabling IT and security professionals around the world to capture cloud traffic before encryption or after decryption with little-to-no additional resources, overhead, or cost associated. It reveals previously concealed threat activity, including lateral movement, malware distribution, and data exfiltration, and eliminates the need to use cumbersome decryption methods that require managing and maintaining decryption keys.

By eliminating this critical visibility gap across hybrid cloud infrastructure, the Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline leveraging Precryption technology radically simplifies IT complexity brought on by the distributed workforce and helps organizations realize the full transformational promise of the cloud. This in turn ensures that organizations can deliver exceptional customer experiences, maintain their security and compliance posture, and accelerate cloud adoption.

Key Capabilities / Features

Gigamon PrecryptionTM technology helps organizations detect threats they never knew existed by capturing plaintext cloud traffic prior to encryption. Gigamon Precryption technology addresses a range of advanced security requirements and:
- Easily enables InfoSec, Network, and CloudOps teams to gain full visibility into encrypted traffic across cloud, VM, and container workloads.
- Seamlessly works with modern encryption methods, including TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect-forward secrecy (PFS) enabled, and legacy encryption methods, including TLS 1.2 without PFS.
- Fully supports organizations with sensitive personal identifiable information (PII) by keeping private communications private, masking this traffic from view to maintain data security, compliance, and governance.
- Conveniently architects the necessary foundation for Zero Trust and boosts traditional security tool effectiveness by a factor of 5x or more.
- Dramatically reduces the operational complexity associated with decryption by eliminating cumbersome private key management for key sharing, passing, and library updates.
- Efficiently offloads TLS decryption overhead from cloud, security, and observability tools, greatly boosting their capacity and performance.

How we are different

1. Gigamon Precryption technology is an innovative, breakthrough technology that offers users – for the first time – plaintext visibility into encrypted traffic. It uniquely enables organizations to detect previously unseen threats in a highly efficient and effective manner by eliminating the critical visibility gap across hybrid cloud infrastructure (cloud, VMs and containers, that occurs with encryption.
2. Precryption technology allows organizations to manage compliance, keep private communications private, architect the necessary foundation for Zero Trust, and boost traditional security tool effectiveness by a factor of 5x or more. Standard decryption methods were never designed to meet the needs of distributed application environments, where network traffic involves application components and microservices sharing secrets with each other, rather than responding to external requests. By capturing plaintext cloud traffic prior to encryption, Gigamon is leading the industry forward by helping organizations detect threats they never knew existed.
3. Precryption technology delivers defense-in-depth that traditional security and observability tools lack: A recent survey of 1,000 IT and security leaders revealed that one in three breaches are going undetected by traditional security and observability tools making it clear that these tools lack the depth of observability required to detect security threats across hybrid cloud infrastructure. Gigamon uniquely addresses these cloud security challenges with Precryption technology, a new addition to itsDeep Observability Pipeline that efficiently delivers network-derived intelligence to traditional cloud, security and observability tools, eliminating security blind spots and enabling organizations to better secure and manage their hybrid cloud infrastructure.

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