Additional Info

Company size (employees)1 to 9
Headquarters RegionNorth America


Green Flag Digital is a hybrid PR and marketing agency based in San Diego, CA with a distributed team across the U.S. and Europe. Green Flag Digital was founded with SEO & analytics as a foundation of all marketing & PR efforts online.

How we are different

Founded on Data & Analytics: Unlike other PR firms, Green Flag Digital is rooted in SEO, data, and analytics at the core, taking a first-principles approach by rooting all work in deep fundamental research.

Focused on Scalable Outcomes: The company applies a VC-mindset to PR outcomes - only 1/10 of bets will hit, but we want to set up for 100x outcomes to return the whole fund.

Forward-Looking Experiments: With one leg rooted in universal business principles that have stood the test of time, the other is testing technology and AI at the frontier, looking to produce better, more predictable results every month.

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