Grip SaaS Security Control Plane

Additional Info

CompanyGrip Security
Company size (employees)50 to 99
Headquarters RegionNorth America


The Grip SaaS Security Control Plane (SSCP) is an essential element to modern security architecture—resolving the accidents of SaaS in the past, mitigating present risk across the SaaS estate, and infusing users to take security with them to SaaS yet to be deployed.

Only Grip delivers on the four key capabilities necessary for unified SaaS security—discover, prioritize, secure, and orchestrate.

Zero-touch discovery with high-fidelity attribution, inventory, and continuous detection—including a 10+ year history

Pinpoint relevant SaaS risks, based on real-world observations to uncover risks like newly discovered SaaS, zombie accounts, dangling access, and user-SaaS relationships

User protection and one-click access control across core-IT and business-led SaaS with secure offboarding for users and apps—from one app or user to thousands

Smart workflows from discovery to justification to control to decommissioning and intelligent automation to secure SaaS today and SaaS yet to be deployed

Customers leverage Grip SSCP to unify the SaaS attack surface and secure the SaaS lifecycle, cradle to grave. Customers rely on Grip’s identity-based orchestration and automation—enabling secure SaaS outcomes for security teams without direct SaaS ownership.

How we are different

Only Grip discovers SaaS fingerprints—past and present—using identity-based graphing and applied heuristics to attribute user-SaaS relationships and risks.

Only Grip prioritizes SaaS risk based on real-world, multi-dimensional observations, and includes the Grip SaaS Risk Index (SRI) to deduce actionable SaaS risk, relevant to each organization.

Only Grip applies universal access control and secure offboarding for every SaaS app—sanctioned and unsanctioned, managed and unmanaged—driven by Grip's one-click authentication, credential vaulting, and automated revocation.