HYAS Insight Intel Feed

Additional Info

Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionCloud/SaaS


The HYAS Insight Intel Feed offers a threat feed solution tailored to enhance the capabilities of security operations centers (SOCs), incident response teams, threat intelligence (CTI) analysts, and fraud investigation units.

Key features and benefits include:

Aggregated Malware Intelligence: The feed aggregates infrastructure intelligence for individual malware families, providing crucial insights into emerging threats that transcend distinct threat actors and attack vectors. This enables proactive threat detection and response across various security teams.

Tailored Intelligence Packaging: Unique packaging of intelligence facilitates a deeper understanding of high-level malware patterns, empowering SOC, CTI, and fraud teams to leverage actionable tactical intelligence effectively. This streamlined approach enhances decision-making and accelerates response times.

Versatile Use Cases: From context aggregation and enrichment for Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) platforms to providing fresh indicators of compromise (IOCs) for detection and blocklisting, the feed offers versatile use cases that address the diverse needs of modern security environments.

Key Capabilities / Features

Organized by Malware Family: The HYAS Insight Intel Feed is meticulously organized by malware family, streamlining information consumption and facilitating targeted threat analysis.

Comprehensive Context and Detail: The feed provides high-level context such as top Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) and tags, as well as granular details including command and control (C2) IPs and related hashes, empowering security teams with actionable insights.

Quality Intelligence at No Cost: The feed offers high-quality intelligence at no cost, ensuring accessibility for organizations of all sizes, including mid-market enterprises and managed security service providers.

Actionable Insights for Defense Enhancement: Users gain access to actionable insights specifically designed to enhance defensive capabilities, enabling organizations to fortify defenses and mitigate risks effectively.

Support for Established CTI Programs: For organizations with established Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) programs, the feed serves as a valuable resource to augment existing efforts, empowering security teams to make informed decisions and stay ahead of evolving threats.

Risk Mitigation for New Threat Intel Programs: The feed offers a low-risk solution for organizations in the early stages of launching a threat intelligence program, providing high-quality intelligence without financial burden, and helping build a solid foundation for threat intelligence initiatives.

How we are different

Innovative Approach: HYAS Insight Intel Feed adopts a novel approach to threat intelligence, focusing on specific malware families and associated infrastructure to provide actionable insights for security teams.

Enhanced Detection and Response: By delivering aggregated intelligence and fresh IOCs, the feed empowers organizations to enhance their detection and response capabilities, staying ahead of evolving threats.

Facilitates Collaboration: The feed facilitates collaboration between different security teams by providing tailored intelligence that can be seamlessly integrated into various security tools and processes.