Imprivata, The Digital Identity Company

Additional Info

Company size (employees)500 to 999
Headquarters RegionNorth America


Imprivata is the leader in digital identity management for critical industries, offering the only comprehensive platform to manage, secure, and monitor all enterprise and third-party digital identities, across locations, while streamlining end-user access. This brings the cybersecurity industry forward by redefining the security experience for customers.

Organizations often sacrifice user convenience for security. Imprivata’s mission to change that has meant working with the most extreme workflows and compliance mandates to make sure every interaction is secure, yet smooth. This dedication to removing traditional security friction has allowed Imprivata to deliver seamless user-system interactions at every access point, across all systems.

How we are different

- Imprivata differs from other vendors by acting as a strategic partner to its customers and providing the only holistic suite of solutions for digital identity management. With over 20 years of experience working in complicated environments like healthcare, Imprivata understands the importance of well-integrated technology and remains focused on driving interoperability. Imprivata’s complete platform has the most established integrations across systems and applications. Their solutions are purpose built for critical industries with complex digital infrastructure like manufacturing, energy, and banking.
- As organizations strive to meet zero trust principles, it can be daunting for IT teams and decision-makers to know where and how to start. Imprivata recognizes this challenge and has made strides in implementing new tools and services that can help the customer along their cybersecurity journey. Imprivata encourages customers to take an identity-centric approach to securing their environment. This method can help organizations meet compliance, improve security, and thwart threats without hindering the end-user workflow with added authentication and security requirements. Imprivata’s focus remains on their customers and delivering solutions that enable the most efficient and secure workflow possible.
- Customers see increased capabilities when compared to other solution providers that are unable to integrate with on-premises systems and diverse technologies. Imprivata brings simplicity and control across fragmented ecosystems where existing legacy methods make security challenging, and a patchwork of vendors increases risks.