Infopercept Consulting Pvt Ltd

Additional Info

Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionAsia


Infopercept has patformized entire cybersecurity ecosytsem. With its platform called ‘Invinsense’, Infopercept has consolidated cybersecurity approaches: Offensive, Defensive and Security Compliances; cybersecurity technologies: detection and response, deception, attack surface monitoring, vulnerability management, breach and attack simulation, RedOps and various tools of security compliances. Invinsense is scalable to all landscapes: IT, Cloud, OT and IoT.

How we are different

1) Consolidation of offensive, defensive and security compliance into one platform
2) Consolidation of security left (code level security) and security right (cloud security) covering all the cloud providers
3) Infopercept takes entire responsibility and ownership of two cybersecurity outcomes: combating cyberattacks and adhering to security compliances. Right from finding vulnerabilities to patching those vulnerabilities to best practices of all the technologies. We take ownership of cybersecurity.