Integrated Adaptive Phishing Training and Human Risk Management Platform

Additional Info

Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionEurope
Type of solutionSoftware


Hoxhunt is the Human Risk Management Platform that lets security teams and employees join forces to behave securely and fight social engineering attacks. Combining AI with behavioral science, Hoxhunt’s adaptive phishing training meets people where they’re at by delivering personalized coaching along a gamified learning journey for unparalleled reach.

Boosting real threat reporting rates by 10X in under 6 months, Hoxhunt takes security awareness leaders where no SAT tool has gone before: to the center of the security stack. Hoxhunt gives security teams real-time visibility into threats, with AI that does the heavy lifting on threat analysis to augment incident response and reduce risk.

Hoxhunt transforms security culture with measurable behavior change beyond social engineering, too. The platform tracks and prompts employee behaviors across the gamut of cyber-relevant activities, from secure information sharing and data storage, to safe web surfing and prompt updates.

Key Capabilities / Features

Hoxhunt achieves measurable behavior change, human risk reduction, and cultural transformation through the power of a suite of capabilities and features that are unique to the category.

- Seamless integration
Hoxhunt is designed to integrate into email and digital environments, from Outlook to Gsuite and others. This enables low-friction user threat reporting experience, and high visibility into the threat feed by SOC teams.

- Personalization: The AI-enabled adaptive learning model meets people where they're at in terms of skill level and background, and automatically adjusts difficulty and content over time to take them where they need to be. Skills are measurably increased within the "goldilocks learning zone" of proximal development.

- Gamification
The reward-based learning journey operates upon a platform built on game mechanics, where the desired behavior of correctly recognizing and reporting a phishing simulation or a real threat is rewarded with a gold star and a progression up a leaderboard.

- Automation: .
Hoxhunt increases the frequency and quality of phishing simulations from the quarterly SAT model to dozens of micro-trainings per year, with fewer resources and less time spent by awareness leaders. Hoxhunt automatically analyzes training results alongside real reported threats, while while actually reducing the workload of the SAT leader.

- Training and real threat detection integration
Hoxhunt integrates with email gateways so that real reported threats neutralize phishing campaigns. The latest threats detected across the 1.6 million Hoxhunt user base are transformed into phishing simulations, and are used to train the Hoxhunt response model. Future threats that slip past email filters are immediately recognized by the Hoxhunt adaptive phishing AI.

- Reporting metrics that matter
Transparency into simulated threat reporting, dwell time, miss rates, and failure rates, alongside real threat detection and dwell time. Far more clarity than SAT model's reliance on failure rate.

How we are different

- Unprecedented reach
People don't just love Hoxhunt--as our category-leading reviews on and Gartner Peer Review Insights show--they actually ask security teams for more gamified phishing training. The gamified, reward-based training model creates engagement rates that typically soar from around 10% with SAT models to over 60% with Hoxhunt. Digitally dopamine-induced rewards are issued in real threat detection the same way as in phishing training, locking in the most desired behavior change where it counts most.

- Unparalleled outcomes
* 2/3 of Hoxhunt active participants report a real threat within 1 year of starting training. Before Hoxhunt, under 5% of employees report real threats.
* Dwell time--the period receiving and reporting a threat--improves by 33% in both training and in real threat detection. No other platform tracks these metrics together.
* Simulated threat detection rates rise 9X from baseline, from 7% to 60%
* Real threat detection rates rise 10X, from negligible to .33 threats detected per user, per month, within one year
* Phishing simulation failure rates decline from 20% at baseline to 4% after 1 year.
* Engagement rates jump 6X

- Unique integration of training and real-world threat detection
Hoxhunt was designed to measure and manage threat detection in both the simulated and real-world environments. The importance of this feature cannot be overstated. Being able to connect the 9X elevation in phishing simulation threat reports with the over-10X rise in real detected threats provides irrefutable evidence that security awareness and adaptive phishing training works. This is crucial in securing budget and buy-in from up and across the organization.

More importantly, this illustrates the fact that Hoxhunt was designed to change behavior and reduce human cyber-risk. Threat reports are automatically categorized by the platform and incidents are elevated to the SOC team for accelerated and augmented threat analysis and incident response.