Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity

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Company size (employees)3500+


Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity is a portfolio of technologies and services designed to secure truly industrial layers and elements of organization – including ICS/SCADA servers, HMI panels, engineering workstations, PLCs, network connections and even engineers – without impacting on operational continuity and consistency of the technological process. Our technologies are created specifically for industrial security needs – fault-tolerant and non-disruptive, they can even work in air-gap conditions of critical infrastructures.
As a holistic solution Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity provides full set of possible cybersecurity actions on any stage of cybersecurity incident:
• Prediction. Capability to predict forthcoming cyber-attacks is crucial for true cybersecurity process. Every employee – from business to factory floor – plays a role in industrial cybersecurity. Training and education, such as Kaspersky Industrial Protection Simulation (KIPS) game, are vital here. Also specialized services like industrial penetration testing can help expose potential weak spots.
• Prevention: A key goal here is to reduce attack surface – but traditional information security solutions like anti-malware or patch management are not designed for industrial infrastructure. That’s why we offer specialized features like PLC integrity check, industrial whitelisting and device control, that in total form prevention capability.
• Detection: Capability to find anomalies into technological process is crucial in discovering of advanced industrial cyber-attacks like Stuxnet. Kaspersky Lab’s network level security operates at the process control abstraction layer, analyzing and inspecting the sources of traffic while providing integrity control for both industrial network and industrial control processes. An integrated stack of complementary technologies form an efficient anomaly detection engine.
• Response: Effective industrial cybersecurity has the capacity to respond to and mitigate the effects of technological process compromise. This includes post-breach analysis or the use of specialized industrial incident-response teams to stop, mitigate and investigate attacks, breaches and fraudulent incidents.
Learn more at https://ics.kaspersky.com/

How we are different

• For the now, Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity is the most holistic ICS/SCADA cybersecurity solution on the market. In keeping with Kaspersky Lab’s overall multi-layered security strategy, Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity delivers a combination of protection types. In addition to the technologies and services that support every stage of the security cycle, Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity delivers protection in support of integrity control, intrusion prevention and detection, anti-malware and anomaly detection, among others. In other words it means that we provide not only industrial network monitoring/anomaly detection like most of our competitors, but also specialized industrial endpoint protection, services like industrial pentests, forensics, educational and awareness programs.
• This holistic approach was welcomed by market during 2016: Kaspersky Lab was recognized as 2016 Industrial Security Company of the Year by Quadrant Solutions (http://quadrant-solutions.com/market-research/industrial-cyber-security-market-outlook-research/); Our solution has won World Leading Internet Scientific and Technological Achievement Award at the 3rd World Internet Conference (https://www.kaspersky.com/about/press-releases/2016_kaspersky-industrial-cybersecurity-named-world-s-best-tech-invention-in-wuzhen-summit-awards-2016); just in one year from public release we got large industrial customers all over the world, including Germany, China, Russia and other countries and continue to develop relationships with industrial automation vendors.
• Kaspersky Lab has strong vision regarding the future of industrial cybersecurity – this year we launched first global ICS CERT (https://ics-cert.kaspersky.com/), contributed to the first Industrial Internet security framework (http://www.iiconsortium.org/IISF.htm) and announced future development of Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity as a vertical specific solutions (https://ics.kaspersky.com/solution-overview/for-energy/).
