Moule Network Technology Co.,Ltd ——-Bugeyes

Additional Info

CompanyMoule Network Technology Co.,Ltd
Company size (employees)50 to 99


It is difficult for enterprises to effectively manage the discovered vulnerabilities and track their subsequent processing. On the one hand, it brings huge cost to the enterprise. On the other hand, it makes the enterprise impossible to maximize the cooperation.
Based on the above challenge, our company developed a groundbreaking product called Bugeyes Vulnerability Management Center. The new version of Bugeyes provides a set of systematic, procedural and sustainable vulnerability operating mechanism. Bugeyes captures、aggregates and standardizes vulnerability data through a variety of sources including the main vulnerability scanning tools, a network host scans, artificial penetration testing result, SRC and other external tools. Then Bugeyes manages the vulnerability through a standardized process. After that Bugeyes keeps track of the vulnerability continuously, repairs and finally archives it.The product covers the full life cycle of vulnerability operation and management including vulnerability discovery, assessment, analysis, disposal, verification, rating, incident recording and archiving.At the same time, Bugeyes manages the connected data sources in a unified manner and correlates the organization, users, assets, vulnerabilities and other data. By visually presenting network security situational awareness(NSSA) and KPI indicators, our product improves the efficiency of department cooperation. Furthermore, it provides data support and decision-making reference for enterprise operation.

How we are different

1.The testing work of security service providers is characterized by numerous manufacturers and frequent testing. The new version of Bugeyes assists enterprises with periodic and temporary testing plans. At the same time, it allows security service providers to join the vulnerability life cycle management process which effectively reduces the communication cost of service staff and improves service efficiency.

2. The new version of Bugeyes constructs the credit rating system of vendors in order to provide the basis for the audit and credit rating of vendors. It ensures that the rating of vendors is objective and realizes quantifiable vulnerability management. Vendors are integrated into the vulnerability management process, so the vendors’ independent sites can be established quickly with a set of sub-account system. What’s more, there are independent interfaces and processes for vendors to log in so that it can improve the efficiency of collaboration.

3. Nowadays our country attaches great importance to national security. The duration of attack and defense extends and Red Team service becomes more and more frequent. Through the customization of Bugeyes, it can quickly build a platform for Red Team service which is consistent with the actual network attacks. The vulnerability management platform adopts the concept of complete risk assessment in order to ensure that each vulnerability can be traced to its source.
