Netography Security Platform

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Company size (employees)10 to 49


Netography’s Security Platform is the only SaaS solution that provides automatic remediation and cross-network visibility to defend against a broad set of security threats in real-time. With automated threat prevention, organizations can reduce their overall mean time to detect and mean time to resolve.

Netography helps companies with:
Network visibility & Traffic Analysis
Collaboration & Team Work
Security Monitoring
Intelligent Threat Detection & Remediation
Threat Hunting/Incident response
Intelligent Automation ( AI/ML)
Powerful Analytics & Dashboards
Data Enrichment
Flexible Integrations and APIs

Netography enables effectual autonomous network security and provides telemetry to stop threats that typically go unseen. The Netography Security Platform is a seamless view of global infrastructure and cloud services and leverages extremely advanced algorithms to detect threats and automatically respond to them. Netography turns a standard network into an intelligently self-correcting system that serves as the first line of defense.

Pre-cloud network security solutions require multi-million-dollar investments and additional hardware to scale and maintain. Even then they can’t protect dynamically and are limited in the attacks they can detect/stop. Conversely, Netography delivers real-time protection/defense against millions of network-based threats across an entire infrastructure, giving network and security teams shared visibility into their security posture and their security controls’ effectiveness at every point in time.

How we are different

-The rapid adoption of cloud and SaaS services has shifted the traditional network security paradigm. Legacy approaches to network security have created blind spots, leaving organizations with limited visibility into network traffic. Cyber threats have the potential to go undetected and yield harmful ramifications for an organization.
-Netography’s Security Platform is the only SaaS solution that provides automatic remediation and cross-network visibility to defend against a broad set of security threats in real-time. With automated threat prevention, organizations can reduce their overall mean time to detect and mean time to resolve. Netography analyzes network traffic from the entire network to allow practitioners to discover, identify and remediate cybersecurity issues faster, and reduce attack surface exposure. This ensures the highest accuracy of detecting and blocking a wide spectrum of threats. Netography enables organizations to rightsize data fidelity for the threat vector.
- The Platform lets organizations cost-effectively analyze traffic from cloud and on-premises devices with minimal effort, accurately identify potential risks, and quickly alert suspicious activity that may signal an attempt at data loss or advanced cyber attacks. The Netography Security Platform’s threat-driven approach to cyber security provides organizations with the highest accuracy of detection and the ability to block a wide spectrum of threats.
