Online Piracy Detection

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Company size (employees)1,000 to 4,999


As demand for high-quality, digital content continues to grow exponentially, content owners are adapting and shifting distribution strategies to meet the evolving landscape. There are hundreds of streaming Video on Demand (VOD) platforms around the world, and that number only continues to grow.

Irdeto’s Online Piracy Detection is a managed service that combines expert piracy oversight with powerful cloud-computing technology to detect, verify, and takedown pirated content, maximizing viewership revenue and safeguarding live events and video on demand content from unauthorized access and redistribution.

It provides automated scanning, augmented by expert analyst review to identify pirated content online, enforcing all illegal streams from social media, streaming sites, Kodi and search engines to mitigate spread of pirated content. It gives clients an excellent and detailed overview of what happens with their content, making it visible what the piracy problem is.

The service includes live, web, P2P (enforcement & business intelligence), crisis, search engine link removal, Facebook and YouTube fingerprint system integration & account management and micropiracy coverage. Through this service, we are able to monitor and protect everything from live events, live linear channels, movies, TV shows to games (recorded gameplay, credential sharing, and illegal s/w download), special events (Oscars), crisis/leaked content, and ad-hoc content leak requests.

Irdeto’s scalable, cloud-based automated crawling technology and team of multi-disciplinary specialists are highly effective at combatting online piracy. Irdeto has a successful track record in rapidly identifying and disrupting piracy while leveraging established networks to track down pirates and their supply chains to help our customers safeguard their valuable assets.

How we are different

• Irdeto’s data driven, scalable, cloud-based, automated crawling technology combined with piracy expert oversight provides superior global piracy coverage, with nuanced regional focus and analysis.
• Irdeto’s Online Piracy Detection managed service is tailored to every customer’s unique needs, providing “white-glove” customer service – 365 days/year, 24x7, which is very unique in this market.
• Irdeto constantly innovates and adapts our automated crawlers, technology and processes to combat the ever-evolving piracy landscape. Several software innovations around bot detection avoidance, fake node detection and removal, and captcha resolution all make our cloud computing solution unique and best in class. Systems are continuously monitored by Irdeto’s engineering and operations staff to ensure seamless, uninterrupted protection.
