Additional Info

CompanyPendulum Intelligence
Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionSoftware


Pendulum empowers organizations to convert risks into opportunities by transforming insights into actionable decisions. Utilizing proprietary machine learning (ML) technology, Pendulum automates the discovery and analysis of business and security threats across a comprehensive range of online content, providing in-depth summaries based on the overall context of the content. Pendulum helps users save significant time and resources by uncovering critical insights hidden within lengthy videos and audio content, thus mitigating the risk of overlooking critical information.

Pendulum’s horizon scanning capabilities track online communications, allowing organizations to anticipate threats in critical areas such as brand recognition, social issues, and global unrest to make better-informed decisions. Pendulum actively gathers data from over 20 platforms daily, with data archives spanning as much as the past three years for some covered platforms. Designed for ease of use and flexibility, Pendulum operates across 75 different languages, supporting both search and result translation.

Key Capabilities / Features

Automated Threat Discovery and Monitoring
Pendulum automatically provides a pre-built list of threat topics that can impact your business. Easily select on a topic and view an AI-enabled summary to quickly assess the importance that it will have to you. Pendulum is able to customize these topics to tailor to your business needs.

Single Pane of Glass for Horizon Scanning
Narratives constantly evolve and change over time. As they continue to develop, specific topics start to become more of a direct threat to your organization. Utilize Pendulum to truly understand the impact of these topics to your organization, competitors, suppliers and partners in order to respond effectively.

Proactive Intelligence to Mitigate Risks
Pendulum provides organizations with insights into leading indicators, flagging potential risks before organizations are negatively impacted. With these key insights, organizations can create a strategy to respond effectively and turn risks into opportunities.

How we are different

Leveraging AI technology, Pendulum enables analysts to uncover harmful content contained within the world's most comprehensive coverage of online platforms, including video sources like YouTube, BitChute, and TikTok, as well as audio-only platforms like podcasts, and text-based mediums, such as Twitter and news sources.

Pendulum is uniquely positioned for proactive threat detection based on access to online platforms that other solutions do not have.

Pendulum provides in-depth summaries based on the overall context of the content, instead of the limitations of just the title, metadata, or tagged keywords / hashtags.