Perch Community Defense Platform

Additional Info

CompanyPerch Security
Company size (employees)10 to 49


Over 90% of organizations worldwide are unable to build and utilize a threat intel program. The cost and complexities are simply far too high, and as a result, effective cyber threat intel use is typically limited to the hands of the largest of enterprises.

That’s sad.

Perch is a passionate believer that all organizations should be able to defend themselves based upon the threats that others in their industry are warning them about. We all fight the same adversaries, and when one organization warns of an attack, everyone should be able to defend themselves based upon that information.

Perch accomplishes this by providing a network sensor that uses custom, curated threat intel from an industry ISAC/ISAO alongside other cyber intel sources, and detects network attacks and anomalies from network traffic. All alerts are triaged around the clock by Perch analysts who provide customers with the critical assessment needed to respond to any attack.

How we are different

Our unique, holistic perspective: we are passionate about simplifying the core functions of cyber threat intelligence, and making it accessible to every single organization, regardless of size. We know that cost and complexity hinder most organizations from ever building a threat intel program, and that hurts the entire industry. That's sad. Threat intel use shouldn't be exclusively attainable by the world's largest organizations. Everyone should be able to participate and defend themselves regardless of size.

Perch is the world's first Community Defense Platform. We allow you to automatically detect and respond to the threats that others in your community are warning you about. We are separate from threat intelligence providers, focusing on enabling the most effective and relevant threat intelligence for each user.

Perch enables sharing communities. ISACs and ISAOs have high percentages of their member base who are unable to use their threat intel because of prohibitive cost and complexity. By making their threat intelligence accessible and functional for ALL their members, the sharing community is stronger and more valuable to the entire industry.
