Radiant Security AI-powered SOC Co-pilot

Additional Info

Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionNorth America


Radiant Security’s SOC Co-pilot is a state-of-the-art platform designed to augment Security Operations Centers with the power of artificial intelligence. It optimizes the SOC workflow by automating the tedious yet critical tasks of alert triage, in-depth investigation, and incident response. In doing so, it allows SOC teams to focus on more strategic activities, amplifying productivity and efficiency.

The SOC Co-pilot represents a significant leap in SOC management. Through intelligent automation, it directly targets and alleviates critical challenges, offering an efficient and robust solution to the ever-increasing complexities of cybersecurity.

Key Capabilities / Features

The Radiant Security SOC Co-pilot boosts analyst productivity through unlimited in-depth investigation, rapid response, and intelligent automation:

- Automated Triage & Investigation: By using AI, Radiant can manage time-consuming tasks, ensuring no attacks slip through the cracks.
- Detecting Real Attacks: Radiant deepens investigations to uncover real incidents, understand their root cause, and track attacks wherever they go.
- Responding Rapidly: With intelligent automation, Radiant can create a response plan, automate or manually perform corrective actions, and allow one-click remediation.
- Empowering Junior Analysts: Radiant acts as a co-pilot to enable entry-level analysts to become valuable contributors by automating triage, investigation, and offering step-by-step guidance.