SafeNet ProtectApp

Additional Info

Company size (employees)14,000
Type of solutionSoftware


SafeNet ProtectApp encrypts data at the application level, before it is saved to the database and offers standard or format-preserving encryption (FPE) to give organizations flexible protection in both SQL and NoSQL databases.

Whether the data is structured or unstructured, or moving to a SQL or NoSQL database, SafeNet ProtectApp transparently secures data across its entire lifecycle, no matter where it is sent, stored, or copied and requires no changes to the database table.

SafeNet ProtectApp provides an interface for key management operations, as well as application-level encryption of sensitive data. The solution can protect both unstructured data types (such as Excel and PDF files) and structured data types (such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, national ID numbers, passwords and more). Encryption takes place as soon as data is generated or first processed, and it remains secure across its entire lifecycle no matter how many times it is transferred, backed up, or copied. The solution can be deployed in physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructures and can secure data as it is migrated from one environment to another—without any modification to the existing encryption policies or associated application code.

SafeNet ProtectApp is deployed in tandem with SafeNet KeySecure, a FIPS 140-2 up to Level 3 enterprise key manager, for centralized key and policy management across multiple sites. The solution enables the implementation of granular access controls that separate administrative duties from data and encryption key access. For example, a policy can be applied to ensure that no single administrator can make a critical configuration change without additional approval.

SafeNet ProtectApp features built-in, automated key rotation and data re-keying, and can also perform a wide range of cryptographic operations including encryption, decryption, digital signing and verification, secure hash algorithms (SHA), and hash-based message authentication code (HMAC).

How we are different

- Security for Application Data Anywhere: SafeNet ProtectApp enables organizations to secure data in any application, including those in the physical, virtual data center and cloud environments.
- Centralized Encryption and Key Management: SafeNet ProtectApp enables organizations to centralize both the encryption of their application data and management of their encryption keys in one solution.
- Security for the Most Customer Use Cases: SafeNet ProtectApp can be used to protect personally identifiable information, sensitive application-level data in the cloud, meeting compliance and regulatory mandates, and more.