SD Elements by Security Compass for Application Security

Additional Info

CompanySecurity Compass
Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionNorth America


As development teams are being pushed to develop applications faster than ever before, many are pressured to skip important security measures that are crucial to a company’s security. Instead, automated testing, including static analysis security testing (SAST), dynamic analysis security testing (DAST), and interactive application security testing (IAST) are relied upon for security. When used alone these testing tools miss at least half of all known vulnerabilities.

By simplifying and accelerating the creation of threat models, and driving standardization across software development and application security teams, SD Elements supports developer-centric software threat modeling.

The SD Elements platform automates proactive threat modeling, secure development and compliance processes that are often skipped because they are slow, manual, siloed and expensive. With SD Elements, customers benefit from an 80% reduction time in threat modeling and a 90% reduction in risk assessment time, proving this platform can effectively manage risk without compromising speed. Similar to how GPS applications know where a driver is, and at the right moment provides instructions, SD Elements acts like a guide through every step of software development, delivering security and compliance instructions at each part. SD Elements enables agile organizations to build security and compliance requirements into software from the start, implement them at scale and improve software time to market while enhancing security.

SD Elements is complementary to testing tools and can be used to build threat modeling and security requirements management into the software development process, helping teams anticipate and eliminate potential threats and known vulnerabilities before the code is written.

No other solution offers a holistic and comprehensive approach to application security and compliance for DevOps environments. SD Elements not only helps teams build security and compliance into their applications and manage security requirements across the SDLC, but it creates an auditable record of all activities.

How we are different

- No other application security solution offers a holistic and comprehensive approach to application security, scalable threat modeling and compliance for DevOps environments.

- SD Elements not only helps teams build security and compliance into their applications and manage security requirements across the SDLC, but it creates an auditable record of all activities.

- Security Compass also offers developer centric AppSec eLearning and robust Just-In-Time Training capabilities to help organizations effectively nurture skilled developers proficient at building secure and compliant software.