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Overview is a world-first cyber security collaboration platform. Unlike existing ‘threat sharing’ platforms, it goes a step further, sharing an enormous depth of resources covering all aspects of an organization’s cyber security program. This includes security strategies, policies, standards, Board reports, architectures, awareness presentations, checklists, templates, guidelines, and more – all derived from consulting projects completed for businesses so known to be timely, practical and battle tested.

The concept follows a simple philosophy: if a problem is solved in one organization, it makes sense to make the answer readily available to others so they can take steps to protect their businesses from the same threat, and can avoid having to waste money working out a solution to a problem that has already been solved elsewhere.

While many in the industry are talking about the need for greater collaboration, Hivint has invested well over $250,000 in the platform to enable it. As we offer fee reductions for the ability to re-use and commercialize the output from our consulting projects, our consulting projects present better value than ‘standard’ consulting. For subscribers to, for under $AU 3,000 / year, users can access millions of dollars of consulting project output, with multiple individual artefacts costing well over $50,000 for initial development.

There is already well over $3 million of security consultancy output on the portal and over $200,000 worth is added every month. With a significant number of individual resources with an original development cost in the tens-of-thousands of dollars available to subscribers, a single document can provide a 1000-to-1 return on the monthly investment. The model genuinely saves organizations money through reducing the need to generate material that has already been created elsewhere.

How we are different

• is a truly world-first initiative that enables security collaboration across all aspects of an organization’s cyber security program and provides real world – not academic or theoretical – resources for use by everyone.

• delivers a demonstrated ability to reduce security expenditure and improve organizational security efficiency by allowing organizations to access and reuse the 80% that is common across industry, and focus on the 20% that’s unique to them.

• allows organizations that can’t justify large security expenditure – often small to medium government and private entities – to access the output of similar projects at a price they can afford. This accelerates the trickle-down effect of good security practices and improves the baseline of security across and within industries.