Additional Info

Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionNorth America


Establishing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy and performing effective oversight with regards to mitigation of global supply chain risks and possible malicious hardware is of the utmost importance. Tackling this challenge
requires complete visibility to your Hardware assets, regardless of their characteristics and the interface used for connection, as attackers take advantage of the “blind” spots mainly through USB Human Interface Device (HID) emulating devices or Physical layer network implants. With this complete visibility, including Rogue Devices that are
spoofing legitimate devices, Sepio Systems HAC- 1 solution indicates which of the enterprise’s assets are acting abnormally and subsequently triggers an alert for those that are. The administrator of the software can enforce specific hardware usage policies, creating granular access control based on roles or device characteristics. By providing a greater cybersecurity posture, HAC- 1 also enhances the enterprise’s ability to comply with various regulations (CMMC,Section 889 (NDAA) another factor contributing to increased business activity.Sepio is a strategic partner of Munich Re, the world’s largest re-insurance company, and Merlin Cyber, a leading cybersecurity federal solution provider.

How we are different

Physical layer detection of Rogue Devices (Network implants, spoofing devices, USB HID emulators etc.)
Complete visibility for every device connected - managed/unmanaged , visible or transparent.
Policy enforcement for Federal requirements (889 and higher levels of CMMC)
