Additional Info
Company size (employees)15


Solebit developed the patent-pending DvC engine that distinguishes between code and data buried deep inside data files and streams. The company’s core product, the SoleGATE platform, uses an innovative non-behavioral and conclusive approach to detects hidden code within data objects, regardless of the data object type and what the code looks like, then blocks the data object from entering the organization. This results in the following benifits:
– Detect any code, anywhere
– Not susceptible to evasion technics
– Eliminate Guess Work
– Implement and operate without cyber-experts
– Rapid deployment of the solution
– Provide Wide Coverage
– Provide conslusive results only
– Extremely fast
Solebit solutions are deployed at global enterprises.

How we are different

Innovative technology which challenges mainstream (Sandbox) technologies and preceptions

Solebit has grown in a rapid pace and have allready deployed its products with tier 1 customers

Vision and execution of the management and team