
Additional Info

CompanySecurity First Corp
Company size (employees)150


Cloud storage vendors provide thousands of firms with huge cost and flexibility benefits. However, many potential clients remain locked out of these benefits by legitimate security concerns: Will data always be available? Is data stored in the cloud private and secure? Could data be corrupted?

SPxGateway™ leverages Security First’s proven SPxCore™ technology to efficiently and securely span multiple cloud object-store providers, enabling firms to maintain the security standards achieved for locally-hosted storage while capitalizing on the extreme low-cost, flexibility, and infinite scalability achievable with object storage. This virtual software appliance delivers a scalable, network-accessible drive that users and applications can mount for any storage function: additional Network Attached Storage, backup, or active archive.

SPxGateway uses space-efficient data dispersion to dramatically increase typical object storage availability from 3 nines up to 5 – 8 nines. With SPxGateway, data will survive complete enterprise failure of any one cloud vendor. Users maintain seamless access throughout any short-term outage or long-term failure.

By using information dispersion algorithms to split information across three cloud storage locations, SPxGateway directly eliminates 25% of the storage required to tolerate any single failure when compared to a data mirroring approach. Each cloud operates in a “Zero–Knowledge” environment, lacking sufficient data to recreate the stored information, and lacking the keys to recombine and/or decrypt the data.

SPxGateway is a pure software solution and is cloud vendor agnostic. Therefore, it helps eliminate vendor lock-in, allowing system admins to choose the best-performing cloud vendors for each new project. It offers users a simple, coherent experience across every virtual drive.

SPxGateway enables firms to reduce risk by increasing data availability and reducing exposure to hackers. It offers a secure, transparent path to object storage, helping manage the explosive growth of sensitive, valuable information.

How we are different

1) SPxGateway enables firms to capture cloud benefits without introducing additional security risks

2) Innovative technology reduces space requirements for always-on storage, and offers effectively unlimited storage scalability

3) SPxGateway practically eliminates the stress of managing the exploding volume of sensitive, valuable data.