Stealthbits StealthDEFEND

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Company size (employees)100 to 499


Every attacker is after the same two things: credentials and data. Once inside, attackers aim to discover your environment, find and compromise privileged credentials, and leverage those credentials to access, exfiltrate or destroy data.
StealthDEFEND is the only real-time threat detection and response solution purpose-built to protect these two common denominators in every breach scenario. The solution provides programmatic and automated response options when threats are identified. In addition to an extensive catalog of preconfigured response actions, StealthDEFEND can be configured to integrate with already installed business processes. The solution also can deliver threat data to administrators in their preferred applications, including Microsoft Teams, Slack, ServiceNow and a wide variety of SIEM platforms.

Immediate responses reduce attacker dwell time and automatically respond to attacks with any number of response actions.

StealthDEFEND is high tuned to detect specific tactics, techniques and procedures used in more than 20+ known attack scenarios, from Pass-the-Hash & DCSync to more recent Zerologon & DPAPI Decryption attacks.

StealthDEFEND provides a powerful blueprint for professionals to fill security gaps. The solution can:

Detect more threats & attacks than competitors
Help everyone better understand cyberattacks –
No reliance on native logging – competitors do, our kernel level data stream provide info others cannot get
Provide honeypot tools to help catch unsuspecting cyber-attackers
Go beyond “alerting”, StealthDEFEND takes automated response actions so customers are protected 24/7

How we are different

Stealthbits often hears from its customers that they have been able to find threats that incumbent or competitive solutions missed. While this helps the company win business, the bigger concern is the false sense of security many organizations have in their current threat detection solution. StealthDEFEND can accomplish the following:

• Detect more known threats (20+), see the Stealthbits Attack Catalog
• Unlike other competitors, Stealthbits offer honeypots or varying traps to bait attackers into a making a move that alerts to their presence
• Offer automated and customized threat responses, while other solutions merely offer “Alerts” requiring human intervention and losing precious time in the process
o Enable more sophisticated and customized threat responses through PowerShell
