Traced Mobile Security – The Privacy-First MTD for BYOD Adoption

Additional Info

Company size (employees)1 to 9
Type of solutionCloud/SaaS


The benefits of BYOD are clear. A CyberSecurity Insiders/Bitglass study showed that 68% of respondents said it improved productivity, 53% said it increased employee satisfaction, and 45% said it reduced cost.

But employees are demanding more privacy-conscious solutions to the mobile security problem. They are resistant the invasiveness of MDM (Mobile Device Management) solutions, that gives their employers a degree of visibility and control over their personal mobile devices that they just do not feel comfortable with.

This in turn blocks company-wide rollout of mobile protection on personal devices, or employees find a way around it, or the organisation has to shelve their BYOD plans and resort to the more expensive and support-intensive COPE/COBO strategies.

So Traced Mobile Security was designed to be a uniquely privacy-friendly Mobile Threat Defence, in order to support a fast, easy, company-wide BYOD strategy. Employers have visibility over the compliance status of the device and the type of threat on the device – but that’s it. No browsing history, no app details, no location tracking – nothing, except model number, who uses the device, and a Red Amber Green health status returned to the IT team.

It means companies can protect personal devices against mobile phishing attacks, Man-in-the-Middle attacks, device vulnerabilities, malware apps, and even enforce a Zero-Trust access policy for corporate data in the cloud, but employees’ privacy is respected and upheld so adoption is comprehensive and any BYOD security gaps are plugged.

How we are different

1. Our Privacy First Ethos. Traced is the only Mobile Threat Defence (MTD) to return only a RAG health status - protecting employees' privacy on their personal devices.

2. Traced is built for the SME market, whether a company has MDM/EMM in place or not, to be an affordable, robust solution to solve the challenges of securing BYOD environments.

3. Ai-powered malware and phishing protection ensures that every personal mobile device that connects to business data is protected from mobile-borne threats, more quickly and more accurately than other vendors who rely on signature-based detection.