Trend Cloud One – Best Cloud Security Solution

Additional Info

CompanyTrend Micro
Company size (employees)5,000 to 9,999
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionCloud/SaaS


Trend Micro’s Cloud One platform is a robust, all-in-one cloud security solution designed to streamline and simplify the management of complex, hybrid cloud environments. Built with agility and flexibility in mind, Trend Cloud One offers cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) capabilities that ensure connected protection throughout an organization’s entire cloud environment.

Key Capabilities / Features

- Single Dashboard: Cloud One provides a unified dashboard for configuring all necessary policies, addressing the pain point of navigating through multiple security solutions.

- Cloud-Native Approach: Built to integrate seamlessly with DevOps tools, Cloud One delivers security from commit to runtime across all major cloud providers.

- Flexibility: Whether an organization is focused on cloud migration or developing cloud-native apps, Cloud One offers bespoke security solutions tailored to different cloud maturities and deployment models.

- Comprehensive Protection: Cloud One safeguards a wide array of cloud assets, including VMs, containers, serverless functions, APIs, and more, from various threats like malware, misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities.

- Automated and Real-time Checks: Cloud One's Conformity feature automatically evaluates how well cloud services align with best practices and industry compliance standards.

How we are different

- Speed and Efficiency: Cloud One can be deployed in as little as a few minutes, offering rapid value to organizations without complex or custom implementations.

- Quantifiable Impact: According to Forrester Research, Cloud One has delivered up to 188% ROI and saved thousands of hours in security administration.

- Vendor Recognition: Cloud One has been ranked #1 for Cloud Workload Security Market Share by IDC and named the Leader in Global Vulnerability Research and Discovery by Omdia.

- Customized Payment Models: Available for purchase via AWS and Azure Marketplaces, Cloud One offers both custom annual license and pay-as-you-go models, along with a free 30-day trial for new customers.

- Global Reach: With 7,000 employees across 65 countries, Trend Micro's extensive network ensures that organizations globally can leverage Cloud One for their cloud security needs.

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