Trusted Email Identities(TM)

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Company size (employees)100 to 499


Companies continue to experience a barrage of phishing email attacks and employees continue to fall victim. Phishing attack volumes have skyrocketed during the pandemic, revealing to companies new types of vulnerabilities.

Other anti-phishing vendors’ products focus on identifying bad and malicious emails and stopping them. But, on top of the unstable economic environment due to the pandemic, email fraudsters quickly figured out workarounds to other vendors’ products faster than vendors can build new iterations. Plus, fraudsters have changed their tactics, using socially engineered attack types instead of using malicious payloads and links.

Agari Phishing Defense™ turns the problem on its head. Email is messy, but stability exists in the relationship that a good email sender has with a good receiver. Agari Phishing Defense is built on machine learning and models the good relationships between an email sender and email receiver. It assigns a “trust” score to email addresses, and any email that doesn’t pass that “trust” score is considered malicious and is not delivered to the employees inbox or into a company’s email system.

Forrester Research conducted an impartial case study of an Agari Phishing Defense customer. Prior to using Agari Phishing Defense, the global bank customer had other vendor solutions to prevent phishing attacks. However, prior attempts yielded limited success, leaving the customer with a higher than acceptable level of exposure and risk . This generated too much manual effort by the IT security team and increased costs and the risk of a breach.

In the Forrester Research case study mentioned above, a financial analysis of Agari Phishing Defense found the global bank customer experienced benefits of US$1.02 million over three years versus costs of US$518,000, adding up to a net present value (NPV) of US$502,000 and an ROI of 97 percent.

How we are different

1. Agari Phishing Defense is the only anti-phishing product that uses machine learning to identify “good” email message sender to “good” email message receiver relationships. Agari Phishing Defense not only provides outstanding email security, but it also reduces the effort that the CISO organization has to exert to have world-class email security. Agari Phishing Defense is known for reducing the risk of companies leaking sensitive company or customer information, inappropriately transferring money out of the company, or social-engineered attacks being successful. These are achieved while the IT security department spends less time on email security. Employees are able to focus on other risk areas and customers can typically avoid additional hires.

2. Agari Phishing Defense delivers results one-third faster than competitive solutions. Faster deployment means that better security is in place sooner and deployment costs are lower. Finally, without Agari Phishing Defense, customers often need to roll out a full threat intelligence program. Agari Phishing Defense streamlines and automates threat detection management, which means that its customers don’t have to roll out a full threat intelligence program, including integrating threat data from multiple sources, saving customers time and money.

3. Agari Phishing Defense continuously protects against threats leveraging the only cyber intelligence-sharing network that provides human-vetted threat intelligence from the world’s top Security Operations Centers and human-vetted threat intel sourced from world-renowned BEC experts.
