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VALARI is a Web Application Firewall & Security Management System designed to secure your web applications from attacks and provide a layer of security by proxy-ing all HTTP(S) traffic and shield web servers and databases from direct access of the attackers irrespective of the underlying application vulnerabilities.

VALARI can detect and block all the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities and many more Web application threats:

HTTP Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), HTTP Flooding and Slow HTTP DoS Attacks, Brute Force Login, OS Command Injection, Parameter / Form Field Tampering, Data Disclosure, Phishing Attacks, SQL Injection, Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Cross Site Scripting (XSS), Drive-by-Downloads, Directory Traversal, Buffer Overflow, Cookie Injection, Cookie Poisoning, Site Reconnaissance, Data Destruction, Remote File Inclusion Attacks, Google Hacking, Anonymous Proxy Vulnerabilities, HTTP Response Splitting, HTTP Verb Tampering, HTTP Parameter Pollution Attack, Malicious Encoding, Malicious Robots, Known Worms, Web Services (XML) attacks, Session Hijacking, Site Scraping, Sensitive Data Leakage (Social Security Numbers, Cardholder Data, PII, HPI), Web server software and operating system attacks, Zero Day Web Worms, Forceful Browsing of Website Content, Automated Botnet Attacks, Manipulation of Query String Parameters and many more.

Integrated Security Rules from various public vulnerability data signature sources and VALARI correlates data from all these numerous sources to generate the Flexible – Scalable – Reliable rules, automatically updating daily and as needed. Various vulnerability data signature sources include :
• Kaapagam Tech Rule Set
• Public vulnerability databases
• Honeypot systems

How we are different

VALARI was awarded Common Criteria Certification ( ISO /IEC 15408 ) for EAL 2 by Cyber Security Malaysia, An agency under Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) and MOSTI supported VALARI by funding the product for the Common Criteria Certification. With Common Criteria Certification, VALARI is in the league of very few WAF in APAC certified with CC.
