XTN Cognitive Security Platform

Additional Info

CompanyXTN Cognitive Security
Company size (employees)10 to 49
Type of solutionHybrid


The delivery of business services accessible through mobile and IoT devices is constantly growing for those serve the Healthcare, Home automation and IIoT solutions. A mobile App as well as having an engaging and functional graphics, should allow people to easily access various essential features, interact with smart devices providing a simple user experience. The reputation of an App and/or a service is extremely important and it could be compromised due to security incidents with the consequent impact on user adoption and/or user acceptance of the solution itself.

How we are different

- Environmental Analysis: it evaluates the state of the system where the application is executed, with hundreds of different checks (malware, trojan, abuse runtime tools, MitM).

- Geo analysis (networking): it evaluates the source of communications in order to identify anomalies regarding the location from where the application has been executed, including comparing the current interaction with the normal user/device activity patterns.

- Robotic pattern detection: it recognise robotic patterns reaching the system and is capable to identify anomalies in the user/device behavior or any automatic interaction with the system (e.g. executed by malware).