2024 Cybersecurity Professional Awards – Winners All Award CategoriesBest Cybersecurity Awareness ProgramBest Cybersecurity StrategyBest Risk and Compliance ProgramChief Executive Officer of the Year (CEO)Chief Information Security Officer of the Year (CISO)Chief Technology Officer of the Year (CTO)Continuous Improvement and Optimization Expert of the YearCSO Team of the YearCybersecurity and Privacy Management ExcellenceCybersecurity Application Security Leader of the YearCybersecurity Architect of the YearCybersecurity Audit Professional of the YearCybersecurity Audit Team of the YearCybersecurity Blogger of the YearCybersecurity Compliance & Assurance Professional of the YearCybersecurity Compliance Service Provider of the YearCybersecurity Consultant of the YearCybersecurity Educator of the YearCybersecurity Entrepreneur of the YearCybersecurity Executive of the YearCybersecurity Innovator of the YearCybersecurity Instructor Team of the YearCybersecurity Journalist of the YearCybersecurity Marketer of the YearCybersecurity PR Professional of the YearCybersecurity Product Leader of the YearCybersecurity Professional in Financial ServicesCybersecurity Professional in HealthcareCybersecurity Professional of the YearCybersecurity Project of the YearCybersecurity Recruiter of the YearCybersecurity Risk Management ProfessionalCybersecurity Service Provider Auditor of the YearCybersecurity Strategist of the YearCybersecurity Team of the YearCybersecurity Vulnerability Management Professional of the YearCybersecurity Woman of the YearDefensive Cyberspace Operations Team of the YearGlobal Cybersecurity AdvocateGlobal Cybersecurity VisionaryJunior Cybersecurity Professional of the YearPentest Team of the YearSOC Team of the YearThreat Intelligence Team of the Year All RegionsNorth AmericaSouth AmericaEuropeAfricaAsiaMiddle East All Company SizesBetween 1 to 9 employeesBetween 10 to 49 employeesBetween 50 to 99 employeesBetween 100 to 499 employeesBetween 500 to 999 employeesBetween 1,000 to 4,999 employees10,000 or more employees Sort by TitleSort by Award CategorySort by Region Data-Driven Security Leader: Building a System for Scalable Vulnerability Management and Risk ReductionCybersecurity Vulnerability Management Professional of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 10,000 or more Dave GerryChief Executive Officer of the Year (CEO) Headquarters: North America Company Size: 100 to 499 Debrup Ghosh – Pioneering Excellence in Software Security and Product LeadershipGlobal Cybersecurity Visionary Headquarters: North America Company Size: 10,000 or more Denis NesiChief Information Security Officer of the Year (CISO) Headquarters: South America Company Size: 10,000 or more Dinesh Reddy ChittibalaCybersecurity Consultant of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 1,000 to 4,999 Divya AradhyaCybersecurity Woman of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 10,000 or more Dr. Clement ArulCybersecurity Innovator of the Year Headquarters: Asia Company Size: 50 to 99 Dr. Clement ArulGlobal Cybersecurity Visionary Headquarters: Asia Company Size: 10 to 49 Emerging Leader in Cybersecurity: Milind PurswaniCybersecurity Professional of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 10,000 or more Faisal KhanChief Information Security Officer of the Year (CISO) Headquarters: Middle East Company Size: 1,000 to 4,999 Findlay Whitelaw – An exceptional insider threat practitioner, leader and mentorCybersecurity Professional of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 500 to 999 Firudin DavudzadaCybersecurity Executive of the Year Headquarters: Middle East Company Size: 10 to 49 ←1234567…101112→
Data-Driven Security Leader: Building a System for Scalable Vulnerability Management and Risk ReductionCybersecurity Vulnerability Management Professional of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 10,000 or more
Dave GerryChief Executive Officer of the Year (CEO) Headquarters: North America Company Size: 100 to 499
Debrup Ghosh – Pioneering Excellence in Software Security and Product LeadershipGlobal Cybersecurity Visionary Headquarters: North America Company Size: 10,000 or more
Denis NesiChief Information Security Officer of the Year (CISO) Headquarters: South America Company Size: 10,000 or more
Dinesh Reddy ChittibalaCybersecurity Consultant of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 1,000 to 4,999
Divya AradhyaCybersecurity Woman of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 10,000 or more
Emerging Leader in Cybersecurity: Milind PurswaniCybersecurity Professional of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 10,000 or more
Faisal KhanChief Information Security Officer of the Year (CISO) Headquarters: Middle East Company Size: 1,000 to 4,999
Findlay Whitelaw – An exceptional insider threat practitioner, leader and mentorCybersecurity Professional of the Year Headquarters: North America Company Size: 500 to 999
Firudin DavudzadaCybersecurity Executive of the Year Headquarters: Middle East Company Size: 10 to 49