Additional Info

CompanyKRIONI GmbH
Company size (employees)1 to 9
Headquarters RegionEurope


Our research and recommendations will help you minimise financial, commercial and reputational exposure regarding potential intermediaries, suppliers and investment targets, and negotiate better deal terms or avoid getting involved with disreputable partners.

Key Capabilities / Features

Gain confidence in the success of your partnerships or relationships with new counterparties
Mitigate reputational damage and financial loss
Have the opportunity of large-scale investigations and asset tracing within a globally connected network
Have a tried and true investigative research methodology and a range of services tailored to your specific needs across all industries
Mitigate the risk of regulatory investigations by implementing “adequate procedures” programmes on third party due diligence

How we are different

The markets of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union offer many opportunities for profitable investments, but are often characterised by weak regulation and high-level, pervasive corruption. We can help you to better understand the potential risks a new market could entail for your business.