Additional Info

Job title of nominated professional (or team name)CEO
Company (where nominated professional or team is working)R & I ICT Consulting Services
Company size (employees)4


Rogers untiring efforts to bring cybersecurity and digital security into the view of all business leaders, management teams, C Level Executives and Board members is to be commended.
He targets and works well with small and medium business and not for profit organisations who can not afford high end technology or high level expertise.
His rhetoric is to get all users of the digital world to focus on their protection. He does this through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Webinars and seminars as a platform to get people to understand the dangers of the internet.
His attitude to Digital Security is to increase awareness and to get all users to focus on the fundamentals before investing in the next level of protection.


Roger has an easy going but focused attitude to digital security. He wants everyone to be aware of the dangers and is constantly feeding information to his followers.

In 2015, Roger launched all of his digital security focus on getting the message out to anyone who will listen. This included in a large part through Webinars, Seminars and Podcasts. He is changing the three attitudes that plague all Digital Security Experts - we are too small to be a target, we have nothing worth stealing and it will never happen to me.

Although the flow on from his exposure to the public is more business for his organisation, his primary motivation is to get people to understand that the dedicated cyber criminal is out there, targeting anyone who is connected to the digital world, and willing to steal everything they can get their hands on.