Awake Security Investigation Platform

Additional Info

CompanyAwake Secuirty
Company size (employees)10 to 49


Awake Security improves organizational security by dramatically reducing the time it takes to accomplish everyday security operations tasks by automating the most onerous and frustrating parts of the process, facilitating effective collaboration across the team and improving productivity for everyone from the most junior analyst to the most experienced. Awake’s Security Investigation Platform enables rapid, iterative and conclusive alert investigations and hunting by placing the context security teams need at their fingertips. Gathering this context manually, if even possible, can take hours combing through dozens of data sources. Awake closes the investigation gap and reduces this to minutes with a patent-pending and quick to deploy platform that builds on more than two years of R&D with over 200 security teams. Using proprietary behavioral analytics and machine learning, Awake extracts often ignored signals from full packet capture and other data sources to create a Security Knowledge Graph™. By automatically pre-correlating, profiling and tracking assets including devices, users and domains it surfaces notable behaviors previously difficult or impossible for the security team to consume. In addition, Awake facilitates the capture and sharing of procedural knowledge among the team and enhances existing workflows via powerful integrations and a rich API.

Awake’s customers see a 10X improvement in time to truth when investigating threats facing the organization and so can respond to far more than they can today. Moreover, Awake’s industry leading performance allows for effective hunting that has helped uncover insider threats, corporate espionage, lateral movement, data exfiltration and other non-malware based threats that are often missed today.

How we are different

•Existing enterprise security tools are designed to detect / prevent threats but provide scarce context to people tasked with investigating those threats. Newer orchestration solutions do not help in this regard either, focusing instead on automating response playbooks (formatting drives, updating firewall rules, creating service desk tickets etc.) Organizations with investments in these areas experience an investigation gap between detection and response. This gap results in slow and inconclusive investigations and so an inability to cover the clear majority of known critical threats, let alone proactively hunt for previously unknown ones.

•Awake’s Security Investigation Platform helps dramatically lower the time to truth by cutting manual and painstaking context gathering that today if even possible, can take hours combing through dozens of data sources. Using network ground truth from full packet capture data, Awake extracts signals much like an expert investigator would. Awake’s reinforcement machine learning algorithms then pre-correlate, profile and track security assets like devices and users in a human friendly context data model – the Security Knowledge Graph™.

•The platform also integrates with tools like SIEMs and resources like open source threat intelligence to optimize existing workflows. Awake facilitates collaboration as a mechanism to capture and share procedural knowledge making it ideal for both experienced and new analysts to rapidly, iteratively and conclusively investigate threats.
