C2A Security accelerates industry-wide cybersecurity efforts with AutoSec, the first comprehensive automotive cybersecurity lifecycle management platform

Additional Info

CompanyC2A Security
Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionMiddle East
Type of solutionSoftware


As the automotive industry copes with a shift towards modern vehicle architecture, automotive manufacturers are struggling to ensure that vehicles are cyber secure and safe. Consumer demand for advanced driver assist features mean OEMs are developing vehicles with more complex computer systems. The components for these systems come from many sources across the supply chain, complicating the planning and implementation of cybersecurity measures. With multiple teams responsible for different tasks in the vehicle lifecycle, communication is often ineffective. To further complicate matters, OEMs and Tier-1s are currently on a tight schedule to incorporate new ISO 21434 standard and UNECE WP.29 regulations. At present, there is no harmonized means of cybersecurity communication or project management – meaning even simple tasks, like risk assessment, are complicated and time consuming.

C2A’s AutoSec is the first-ever comprehensive automotive cybersecurity lifecycle management platform. AutoSec meets the rapidly evolving challenges of vehicle cybersecurity with an open platform that empowers industry stakeholders to quickly identify and mitigate cyber-attacks. The unique orchestration layer gives manufacturers unparalleled transparency into the entire cybersecurity lifecycle, enabling streamlined management of each phase: risk assessment, planning, policy creation and enforcement.

Entirely hardware-agnostic and compatible with any suite of cybersecurity solutions and vehicle architecture, AutoSec creates a uniform and effective channel for risk management that maintains in-vehicle cybersecurity throughout the vehicle lifecycle. Through its interface, auto manufacturers can easily check cybersecurity statuses, analyze a vehicle’s complex multisystem network, customize in-vehicle cybersecurity, and deploy and maintain cybersecurity measures to mitigate attacks on vulnerable components.

AutoSec is a breakthrough automotive cybersecurity product, delivering key benefits that the industry currently lacks: transparency into vehicles’ cybersecurity status across their full lifecycles, ability to deploy and maintain in-vehicle cybersecurity protection, harmonized communications among all stakeholders and a clear and speedy pathway to compliance with upcoming standards and regulations.