Celebrus (FDP) Fraud Data Platform for financial institutions 

Additional Info

CompanyD4t4 Solutions plc
Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionEurope
Type of solutionSoftware


Celebrus FDP is the world’s most advanced, comprehensive solution that captures real-time, first-party behavioral biometrics and PII across the entire customer journey. Instant contextualized data allows financial institutions to prevent financial threats. It can intervene to catch the fraudster before the fraud while providing a more seamless customer experience, streamlining resource management, and reducing fraud expenses.

A global top-five bank struggled with remote access takeover fraud and now uses Celebrus as a real-time solution to detect fraud and prevent losses before they happened. After deploying Celebrus Fraud Data Platform the bank was able to establish a hyper-personalized behavioral fraud solution to improve customer experiences, prevent losses, and improve business efficiency. It now analyzes 250,000 unique customer journeys per hour and can detect and prevent 70% of fraud cases. The bank has detected more than $100 million in preventable fraud with Celebrus FDP in one year.

Celebrus FDP was designed to prevent all fraud types. It can be deployed to work with any existing tech stack through any type of financial institution. Celebrus FDP works to prevent scams and financial fraud such as new account creation, account takeover, and payment fraud. It can also determine when an individual may be the victim of fraud through behavorial biometrics that detects hesitation and other abnormal user behaviors.

Celebrus FDP uses patented Sense and Trace technology that follows digital activity tracing compromised identities to mule accounts and beyond to uncover additional compromised accounts and identities. Celebrus Trip Wire can then be configured to set a trigger-based alarm to notify fraud systems when known mule accounts are used across the business.

The Celebrus complex identity graph eliminates false positives by looking at 13 behavioral biometrics indicators. Lowering false positives creates a more positive customer experience and saves the company money in unnecessary investigations into legitimate transactions.