Additional Info

Job title of nominated professional (or team name)Awareness Training
Company (where nominated professional or team is working)Cybertronium
Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionAsia


Cybertronium Experiential Cybersecurity Awareness training is one of the first cybersecurity awareness training that is based on experiential learning, the process of learning by doing. By engaging learners in hands-on experiences and reflection, they are better able to connect theories and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations. The activities are carefully curated and storyboarded to be fun and engaging, but also to show how easy people can be caught off guard. The key objective is to ensure strong mindset and behavioural changes of learners, to better prevent them in succumbing to the evolving and potent cyber security threats.

Not everyone in an organization needs to understand concepts like SPF records and DNS cache poisoning, but empowering every employee with cybersecurity awareness helps them stay safe online—both at work and home. Employees in your organisation may have attended cybersecurity awareness via Online awareness programmes, and face to face trainings that are built around slides, and videos. Cybertronium Experiential Cyber Awareness training is built upon 25 actual attack scenarios in a controlled environment with test devices provided to the learners. Learners are provided with an immersive experience with continuous activities replicating scenarios and possible attack entry points by hackers. In this immersive but controlled environment, learners experience the hack, delve deep on its patterns, and learn how to identify and defend/protect themselves and the organisation. Throughout the experiential learning process, the learner is actively engaged in posing questions, investigating, experimenting, being curious, solving problems, assuming responsibility, being creative, and constructing meaning, and is challenged to take initiative, make decisions and be accountable for results. This deep learning enables this immersive experience to become knowledge and ultimately, wisdom that resides in the subconscious mind of the learner for ever and transforming the learner into a human firewall.


Enterprise worldwide has started to acknowledge the fact that slide / video-based awareness investments are not bringing value for money as people still fall victim for attacks as they forget what they have watched or skimmed through during the boring and monotonous awareness sessions. Cybertronium Experiential Cybersecurity Awareness training is built upon actual attack scenarios in a controlled environment with test devices provided to the learners. Learners are provided with an IMMERSIVE experience with continuous activities replicating scenarios and possible attack entry points by hackers. In this immersive but controlled environment, learners experience the hack, delve deep on its patterns, and learn how to identify and defend/protect themselves and the organisation.

Throughout the experiential learning process, the learner is actively engaged in posing questions, investigating, experimenting, being curious, solving problems, assuming responsibility, being creative, and constructing meaning, and is challenged to take initiative, make decisions and be accountable for results. This deep learning enables this immersive experience to become knowledge and ultimately, wisdom that resides in the subconscious mind of the learner for ever and transforming the learner into a human firewall.

Cybertronium Experiential Cybersecurity Awareness has been launched and funded for all citizens in Singapore together with NTUC Learning Hub as part of the Cyber Safe Partnership Program with Cybersecurity Agency Singapore.
