Elcomsoft Phone Breaker
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Elcomsoft Phone Breaker
Additional Info
Company | Elcomsoft Co. Ltd |
Website | https://www.elcomsoft.com |
Company size (employees) | 50 |
Elcomsoft Phone Breaker enables forensic access to password-protected backups for smartphones and portable devices based on RIM BlackBerry and Apple iOS platforms. The password recovery tool supports all Blackberry smartphones as well as Apple devices running iOS including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices of all generations released to date, including the iPhone 6S Plus and iOS 9.
How we are different
Recover Password-Protected BlackBerry and Apple Backups
Retrieve Cloud Backups: Apple iCloud and Windows Live
Two-step verification
Accessing iCloud without Login and Password
Unlock Apple and BlackBerry Backups
Decrypt BlackBerry 10 Backups
Selective Access to iCloud Backups
Perform Enhanced Forensic Analysis on iOS Devices
GPU Acceleration
Extract and Decrypt Stored Passwords
Recover BlackBerry Device Password