Additional Info

Job title of nominated professional (or team name)Founder
Company (where nominated professional or team is working)Canadian Cybersecurity Alliance
Company size (employees)100 - 499


Grant’s work been marked by demonstrable innovative practices, local through global. Grant is a globally recognized security professional and has received 4 international awards and accolades in the security field. He has been featured in a variety of media for his many accomplishments. In 2015 he launched the Canadian Cybersecurity Alliance (CCA), which consists of more than 100 professional associations, each with a unique perspective on cybersecurity. It is the largest initiative of its kind. The Canadian Cybersecurity Alliance was established to enhance the professionalization of the Canadian cyber domain through effective inter-association engagement and knowledge-sharing.

As a result of the awareness of the CCA and it’s potential, Australia, India, the UK and the United States are some of the countries that are now seeking to replicate Grant’s CCA model.

Grant has shaped cybersecurity practices, and has a proven track record and unmatched skillset in cultivating imaginative partnerships and cross-sector collaborations. From his articulated vision, he has drawn together more than a hundred associations, (some with members in the hundreds of thousands such as ISC2, ISACA, IIA, ACFE), and has built a unique and recognized global security brand.

Among the many projects that the CCA are currently spearheading include the following:

• The development of a comprehensive national cyber education program for students from kindergarten to Grade 12;
• Working with numerous associations to develop initiatives designed to increase the number of women in the cyber domain;
• Currently developing a comprehensive background paper exploring the relationship between cyber security and emergency management in Canada;
• Currently developing a comprehensive background paper exploring the relationship between cyber security / resilience and the supply chain in Canada; and
• Working with the Canadian CISO community to develop their own association through partnership with the CIO Association of Canada.


Grant is widely recognized internationally as a visionary in security, who has been able to identify emerging trends in security, windows of opportunity for the security community, and concepts and initiatives that the security community as a whole has constructively embraced with demonstrable results.

Grant Lecky’s sustained efforts within security have generated collaborations that are unparalleled in scope and scale, including the Canadian Cybersecurity Alliance, which has brought together more than 100 cyber-related professional associations, providing an unparalleled, contextualized understanding of the cyber landscape and cyber issues.

Grant has demonstrated a dedication in security and profound depth of knowledge in his field that is recognized as being of the highest quality, and is supported by a combination of his deep and varied experience across security domains and disciplines including cyber, his academic studies including at the graduate level, and the multiple professional certifications that he has committed to and maintains.
