Inspired eLearning (PhishProof Advanced Phishing Simulation Software)

Additional Info

CompanyInspired eLearning, LLC.
Company size (employees)100 to 499
Type of solutionSoftware


PhishProof™, our advanced phishing simulation software is the only platform to offer all four threat vectors: phishing, SMiShing, vishing and USB baiting, in a single solution. PhishProof combines THE highest-quality, most award winning content in the industry with the most extensive catalog of anti-phishing awareness training options to deliver a truly integrated and immersive experience for each participant, regardless of their level of expertise.

PhishProof works by providing learners with immediate and relevant instruction upon getting phished and is the ONLY platform to provide this remediation on both desktop and mobile devices. With a constantly evolving feature-set, PhishProof from Inspired eLearning, provides organizations of any size the tools needed to test, train, measure, and change behavior -all under one unified experience.

Representative content:

PhishProof™ (our advanced phishing simulation software):

USB baiting education (Microlearning video):

SMiShing landing page (Screenshots):