Intelligent Waves, a leading-edge trusted IT systems integrator, has launched GRAYPATH, Hypori, and Phantom solutions

Additional Info

CompanyIntelligent Waves, LLC
Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionSoftware


Intelligent Waves’ innovative technology leadership has proactively helped elevate Government IT Innovation’s innovative brand as it launched GRAYPATH, Hypori, and Phantom solutions.

GRAYPATH: GRAYPATH (GP) is the next generation of expeditionary communications. Through its patented IP Spread Spectrum technology, GP leverages the cloud to randomize and distribute message packets through the simultaneous use of multiple transport paths and encrypted channels. GP algorithms optimize throughput by continuously sensing and adjusting message flow according to channel availability and bandwidth capacity creating a smoother connection even for HD video transmissions.GP dramatically lowers the risk of detection and interception and is nearly impervious to disruption.

HYPORI: Hypori® eliminates the security risks and administrative headaches of your organization’s BYOD (“bring your own device”) program. Empower staff to use their personal devices to get more done while simultaneously improving compliance, security, and cost-effectiveness of BYOD.

PHANTOM: Phantom Next Generation provides the ability for organizations to access foreign points of presence to conduct remote open-source information gathering and research while at the same time protecting organizations and individuals from exposure to foreign intelligence. Intelligent Waves has achieved this by combining the GRAYPATH software-defined obfuscated network with the managed attribution capability of the Phantom platform in a secure but unclassified package.
