ITU Online Training Individual & Team IT Training

Additional Info

CompanyITU Online Training
Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionCloud/SaaS


Our training solutions, whether individual based or our corporate IT training called Team Tech, are accessed via an LMS system. Courses are on-demand and can be accessed any time of day. Our LMS has been especially valuable to students all over the world as we focus on learning safely from home during the recent pandemic. Courses provide valuable training materials via videos taught by qualified professionals in the field, a notes section, practice quizzes, and progress trackers. Cybersecurity has been one of our most popular courses of study, whether in a general course of study or through a CompTIA focused path of training. We seek to prepare students for securing database or Cloud-based networks, as well as defending companies and organizations against cyber attacks.
